League of Legends

Unleashing the Gnar Top Guide (Latest Patch) - From Mini to Mega, Master the Mayhem and Climb the Ladder!

This the ultimate Gnar top guide for the latest patch , start stomping your enemies! 

Gnar Summoner Spells:

Gnar top summoner spells
  • Flash: Beyond its basic utility for escapes and engages, Gnar can use Flash to reposition for a game-changing Mega Gnar ultimate.
  • Teleport: This spell is crucial for top laners. Use it to return to lane, apply pressure elsewhere, or join crucial team fights.

Gnar Top Runes:

Gnar top runes

Primary Tree - Precision:

  • Conqueror: Gnar benefits from extended trades, especially in Mega form. This rune amplifies his damage and provides healing.
  • Triumph: This rune can be the difference between life and death in close skirmishes, restoring health on takedowns.
  • Legend: Alacrity: Gnar's attack speed is crucial for building up his rage bar. This rune enhances that.
  • Last Stand: Gnar often finds himself in the thick of fights, especially in Mega form. This rune ensures he deals more damage the lower his health gets.

Secondary Tree - Resolve:

  • Overgrowth: As a bruiser, Gnar benefits from the extra health, making him tankier as the game progresses.
  • Bone Plating: This rune helps Gnar during trades, reducing the damage from initial bursts.

Stat Shards:

  • Attack Speed: Helps in building rage faster and improves trading.
  • Adaptive Force: Boosts Gnar's damage output.
  • Armor/Magic Resist: Choose based on your lane opponent. Armor for AD matchups and Magic Resist for AP matchups.

Gnar Items guide:

Starting Items:

gnar Starter item options
  1. Doran's Blade + Health Potion: Standard start for a mix of sustain and damage.
  2. Doran's Shield + Health Potion: Against poke-heavy or difficult matchups.
  3. Cull + Health Potion: If you're confident in a passive lane where you can farm up.

Gnar Full build:

Gnar full build
  • Plated Steelcaps
  • Trinity Force
  • Black Cleaver
  • Death's Dance
  • Force of Nature
  • Randuin's Omen


  • Plated Steelcaps: Opt for these against heavy AD or auto-attack reliant teams.
  • Mercury's Treads: Useful against teams with heavy crowd control or AP damage.

Situational Items:

Gnar items build
  • Thornmail: Against heavy AD or healing teams.
  • Chempunk Chainsword: To counter champions with significant healing.
  • Force of Nature: Against heavy AP teams.
  • Dead Man's Plate: For added mobility and tankiness.
  • Randuin's Omen: Effective against crit-based champions.
  • Wit's End: If you need magic resist and additional on-hit damage.
  • Anathema's Chains: To neutralize a fed opponent.
  • Knight's Vow: If you find yourself peeling for a carry.

Gnar Ability Skill Order:

Gnar ability skill order
  1. Q (Boomerang Throw / Boulder Toss): Your primary poke and farming tool.
  2. W (Hyper / Wallop): Provides bonus damage and a stun in Mega form.
  3. E (Hop / Crunch): Your mobility tool. Can be used aggressively or defensively.
  4. R (Gnar!): Your game-changing ultimate. Use it to initiate fights or peel for your team.

Gnar -General Playstyle:

  • Laning Phase: Focus on farming and poking with Q. Manage your rage bar. When nearing Mega form, look for aggressive trades or all-ins.
  • Mid Game: Split-push but be ready to join team fights. Your Teleport is crucial here.
  • Late Game: Stick with your team. Your Mega Gnar form can turn the tide of team fights.

Gnar - Advice on Farming:

  • Use Q to poke and last-hit from a distance.
  • In Mega Gnar form, use your AoE abilities to clear waves quickly.
  • Remember to weave in auto-attacks between abilities for efficient farming.

Gnar - Team Fights:

  • As Mega Gnar, look to initiate with your R, aiming to push enemies into walls.
  • In Mini Gnar form, stay at the backline, poking and kiting enemies.
  • Be wary of your transformation. An ill-timed transformation can be detrimental.

Gnar - Dragon and Baron Objective:

  • Zone out enemies with the threat of your Mega form.
  • If you're about to transform, consider initiating a fight to prevent the enemy from contesting the objective.

Gnar - Matchups:

Good Matchups: Champions like Nasus or Maokai, who Gnar can kite easily.Bad Matchups: Champions like Irelia or Yasuo, who can close the gap and burst Gnar down.

Remember, Gnar's strength lies in his versatility. Adapt to the game's flow, and you'll find success with this dynamic champion. This was Gnar’s ultimate guide for the latest patch.

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