League of Legends

Ultimate Evelynn Mid Guide (latest patch) - start dominating the rift!

This is your quick and dirty guide to dominating with Evelynn in patch - because who said the night isn't full of terrors?"

Summoner Spells:

- Flash: This is a must-have for most champions in the game. It allows you to escape dangerous situations or secure kills.

- Ignite: This spell is great for securing kills in the early game and reducing healing in the late game.


- Domination: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Treasure Hunter.

- Sorcery: Gathering Storm and Manaflow Band.

Stat Shards:

- 2x Adaptive Force (9 AP each)

- Magic Resist (8 MR)


- Starting Item: Corrupting Potion

- Optimal First Back Items: Dark Seal & Boots

- Recommended Full Build: Hextech Rocketbelt, Rabadon's Deathcap, Banshee's Veil, Lich Bane, Shadowflame, Sorcerer's Shoes.

Ability Skill Order:

-Q: Max first

-E: Max second

-W: Max last

-R: level up at 6,11,16

General Playstyle:

Evelynn is an AP assassin with powerful spells. While traditionally a jungler, she can also be played in the mid lane. Her passive and charm are less valuable in the mid lane than in the jungle, but she is still great for holding the opponent down or attacking with no pressure. 


Focus on last-hitting minions to maximize your gold income. Use your Q ability to poke the enemy and farm from a distance if necessary.

Laning Phase:

In the early game, focus on farming and poking your opponent with your Q ability. Be careful of enemy jungler ganks, as Evelynn lacks escape mechanisms pre-6.

Mid Game:

Once you have your ultimate, look for opportunities to roam and secure kills in other lanes. Your ultimate is a powerful tool for assassinations and escaping dangerous situations.

Late Game:

In the late game, focus on assassinating key targets in the enemy team. Use your stealth to surprise enemies and take them out before they can react.

Team Fights:

In team fights, your goal is to eliminate the enemy's backline. Use your stealth to bypass the enemy's frontline and assassinate their carries. Use your ultimate to escape or to finish off low-health enemies.

Dragon and Baron Objectives:

Evelynn can provide valuable vision control around these objectives thanks to her stealth. Use your charm to catch out enemies who are trying to contest these objectives.

Good and Bad Matchups:

Good Matchups: Champions with low mobility and low early game pressure.

Bad Matchups: Champions with strong early game and crowd control.

Champions Strong and Weak Against Evelynn:

Strong Against: Squishy mages and ADCs.

Weak Against: Tanky champions and those with hard CC.

And there you have it, a guide to playing Evelynn that's as stealthy and surprising as she is. Now, go out there and make your enemies wonder where you came from! With this Evelynn guide for the latest patch, may your victories be as frequent as Evelynn's winks.

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