League of Legends

The ultimate Yorick Guide (latest patch) - digging up the past better than your ex!

Welcome to the spooky top lane of League of Legends, where Yorick's guide will raise your gameplay from the grave and bury your opponents in comedic despair! Embrace the ghoul-larious journey ahead as you master the art of top lane tomb-tastic domination! Are you ready to dig in? 

Yorick Summoner Spells:

Yorick Summoner Spell

- Exhaust: Reduces the target's damage dealt and slows them, making it easier for Yorick to catch up or escape.

- Teleport: Essential for top laners. Allows Yorick to quickly return to lane, split-push, or join team fights across the map.

Yorick Runes:

Yorick runes

- Primary (Sorcery):

  - Phase Rush: Provides a burst of movement speed after hitting an enemy with 3 separate attacks or abilities.

  - Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain.

  - Transcendence: Grants bonus cooldown reduction.

  - Gathering Storm: Increases AD over time.

- Secondary (Resolve):

  - Demolish: Helps Yorick take down turrets faster.

  - Conditioning: Provides bonus resistances.

Stat Shards:

- 10% Attack Speed

- 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

- 15-140HP (lvls 1-18)

Yorick Starting Items:

- Doran's Blade

- Health Potion

- Stealth Ward

Yorick Full Build Items:

Yorick Full Build

1. Trinity Force: Core item for Yorick, providing a mix of stats beneficial for his playstyle.

2. Plated Steelcaps: Defensive boots choice against AD-heavy teams.

3. Hullbreaker: Enhances split-pushing capabilities.

4. Anathema's Chains: Reduces damage from a specific enemy champion.

5. Ravenous Hydra: Provides lifesteal and AoE damage.

6. Serylda's Grudge: Grants armor penetration and a slow effect.

Yorick Ability Skill Order:

Yorick Ability Skill Order

- Level 1: Q

- Level 2: E

- Level 3: W

- Max Order: Q -> W -> E

- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).

Yorick Early Game:

Focus on farming and using Yorick's ghouls to harass the enemy. Avoid overextending without vision.

Yorick Mid Game:

Push lanes with the Maiden and ghouls. Rotate to jungle camps when the lane is pushed. Always keep an eye on the map and be cautious about taking your jungler's camps. Prioritize drakes if the enemy team has already secured two or more.

Yorick Late Game:

Continue to split-push, but be ready to join team fights. Use the Maiden and ghouls to apply pressure in multiple lanes.

Yorick Farming Advice:

- Use the Maiden and ghouls to push lanes. When you have multiple ghouls attacking a wave, rotate to the nearest jungle camp.

- Always be cautious about taking your jungler's camps. Try to do it when they're on the opposite side of the map.

How to play Yorick in Team Fights:

- Release the Maiden in a lane far from the main objective to apply pressure.

- Use Yorick's W to trap key enemy champions.

- Focus on peeling for your carries or taking down the enemy backline.

How to play Yorick around the Dragon and Baron Objective:

- If it's a crucial drake (e.g., the enemy already has two), consider joining your team.

- Use the Maiden and ghouls to push lanes far from the objective, forcing the enemy to deal with the split-push pressure.

Yorick Matchups:

- Good Matchups: Champions that struggle against split-pushers or can't handle Yorick's ghouls effectively.

- Bad Matchups: Champions that can easily clear Yorick's ghouls or outscale him in the late game.

Champions Strong Against Yorick: Those with AoE abilities to clear his ghouls quickly.

Champions Weak Against Yorick: Those who lack wave clear or get easily trapped by his W.

The tombstone of triumph and laughter awaits with Yorick top guide! 

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