League of Legends

The ultimate Xerath Mid Guide (latest patch) - Social distancing your enemies by killing them from a far!

Welcome to the Xerath Mid guide, where we teach you to socially distance from enemies... with arcane precision! 

Xerath Summoner Spells:

- Flash: Essential for escaping, positioning, and making plays.

- Barrier: Provides a shield to absorb damage, especially useful against burst champions.

Xerath Runes:

Xerath Runes

- Primary (Sorcery):

  - Arcane Comet: Enhances poke damage.

  - Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain.

  - Transcendence: Grants cooldown reduction.

  - Scorch: Additional poke damage.


- Secondary (Precision):

  - Presence of Mind: Mana restoration on takedowns.

  - Coup de Grace: Extra damage to low-health enemies.

Stat Shards:

- (The Google Sheet did not provide specific stat shards. Typically, you might opt for Ability Power, Adaptive Force, and Magic Resist or Armor based on the matchup.)

Xerath Starting Items:

Xerath starter items

Doran's Ring, Health Potion (x2)

Xerath First Back Items (Ideal):

Xerath first back

 Lost Chapter, Control Ward

Xerath First Back Items (Alternative):

Xerath First back alternative

Amplifying Tome, Boots, Control Ward

Xerath Core Items: 

Xerath Full Build

  - Liandry's Anguish

  - Shadowflame

  - Rabadon's Deathcap

  - Void Staff

  - Morellonomicon

  - Sorcerer's Shoes

Xerath Situational Items:

Xerath situational items

  - Mejai's Soulstealer (if ahead)

  - Banshee's Veil (against AP assassins)

  - Zhonya's Hourglass (against AD assassins)

  - Luden's Tempest

  - Crown of the Shattered Queen

Xerath Ability Skill Order:

Xerath Skill Order

- Level 1: Q

- Level 2: W

- Level 3: E

- Max Order: Q -> W -> E

- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).

1. Q (Arcanopulse): Primary poke and wave clear tool.

2. W (Eye of Destruction): Area of effect slow and damage.

3. E (Shocking Orb): Crowd control and setup for other abilities.

4. R (Rite of the Arcane): Long-range sniping tool.

Xerath Laning Phase: 

  - Focus on last-hitting minions while also trying to poke the enemy with Q.

  - Use Q and W to harass the enemy under their turret.

  - Be cautious of enemy jungler ganks, especially when pushing the wave.

Xerath Roaming: 

  - Avoid wandering alone in the river due to vulnerability.

  - Use the ultimate from a safe distance to assist side lanes or jungle skirmishes.

Xerath Mid Game: 

  - Position safely and use your range to poke and zone enemies.

  - Contribute to objective control with your long-range abilities.

Xerath Late Game: 

  - Stay in the backline during team fights, using your abilities to deal damage from afar.

  - Be wary of assassins or divers who might target you.

Xerath in Team Fights:

- Stay at the back and use your range to your advantage.

- Prioritize squishy targets, especially ADCs and mid laners.

- Use E to peel for yourself or catch out-of-position enemies.

Xerath Objective Control:

- Use your ultimate to contest or steal Dragon and Baron from a safe distance.

- Always be aware of the enemy jungler's position and the health of the objective.

Xerath Bad Matchup: 

  - Vladimir: He can sustain through your poke and all-in you. Consider dodging or rushing Morellonomicon against him. 

Xerath Good Synergy: 

  - Jarvan IV: His ultimate can trap enemies, making them easy targets for your abilities.


Xerath is a long-range mage that excels at poking and zoning enemies. With proper positioning and skill shot accuracy, he can be a dominant force in the mid lane. Always be aware of your surroundings, and use your range to your advantage. Thanks for tuning into the Xerath Mid guide - may your skill shots always find their mark!

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