League of Legends

the ultimate Vladimir guide - paint the Rift red with your enemies' blood!

Vladimir ultimate guide (latest patch) - bath your enemies in their blood! 

Summoner Spells:

Flash: Essential for escaping, engaging, and securing kills.

Ghost: Useful for chasing down enemies, escaping, or roaming to other lanes.


Primary (Sorcery):

Phase Rush: Helps with mobility and kiting.

Nimbus Cloak: Provides a burst of movement speed after using a summoner spell.

Transcendence: Grants additional cooldown reduction.

Gathering Storm: Provides scaling ability power.

Secondary (Inspiration):

Magical Footwear: Grants free boots at 12 minutes (reduced by 45 seconds for each takedown).

Cosmic Insight: Provides additional cooldown reduction.

Stat Shards:

+8 ability haste

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor

Vladimir Items:

Starting Items: Doran's Ring and two Health Potions or Dark Seal and Refillable Potion if you're confident.

Vladimir's Core Items + situational:

Hextech Rocketbelt (3200g), Sorcerer's Shoes (1100g), Mejai's Soulstealer (1600g), Rabadon's Deathcap (3600g), Void Staff (2700g), Cosmic Drive (3000g).

Ability Skill Order:

Q (Transfusion): Levels 1, 4, 5, 7, 9.

W (Sanguine Pool): Levels 3, 14, 15, 17, 18.

E (Tides of Blood): Levels 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13.

R (Hemoplague): Levels 6, 11, 16.

Vladimir - General Playstyle:

Early Game:

Play safe pre-level 6. Focus on last-hitting minions and managing the wave so it's near your tower to avoid ganks. Don't use your E too much early on as it can hurt you more than your opponent.

Mid Game:

Start pushing and looking for opportunities on the map after your first recall and reaching level 6. Ward or clear wards when there are no other options.

Late Game:

You are a late-game terror. Look for opportunities to use your combos in team fights.


It's essential to have good last-hitting skills. The minute you forget to farm is the minute you're out of the game. Always farm.

Team Fights:

Use your ult generously to deter opponents from roaming. Don't be scared to use ghost generously for an empowered Q. If you're extremely strong and baron is up, tell your team to start it with you. You don't have to finish it, but it's a sure way of starting a teamfight.

Vladimir - Dragon and Baron Objective:

If you're strong and the Baron is up, start it with your team. You don't have to finish it, but it's a sure way of starting a teamfight.

Vladimir Matchups:

The document provided an example of a bad matchup (Anivia) but did not provide a comprehensive list of good and bad matchups. However, it's important to understand how to dodge her stun and endure the lane or consider banning her.

Remember, the key to playing Vladimir effectively is to play safe early, farm efficiently, and scale into a late-game terror. Always look for opportunities to help your team and secure objectives.

This was Vladamir’s ultimate guide for the latest patch.

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