League of Legends

The ultimate Vex Mid Guide (latest patch) - Time for some Personal Space!

Welcome to the Vex Mid Guide, where we dive deep into the art of making enemies wish they'd dodged champ select!

Vex Summoner Spells:

Vex Summoner Skills

- Flash: Essential for positioning, escaping, or engaging.

- Ignite: For securing kills and reducing healing.

Vex Runes:

Vex Runes

- Primary (Domination):

  - Electrocute: Boosts laning power and synergizes with Vex's skirmishing strength.

  - Cheap Shot: Enhances trading in lane and synergizes with Vex's abilities.

  - Eyeball Collection: Provides additional AP for early aggression.

  - Ultimate Hunter: Reduces the cooldown of Vex's ultimate, crucial for her playstyle.

- Secondary (Sorcery):

  - Transcendence: For CDR.

  - Scorch: Additional poke and damage in the laning phase.

Stat Shards:

- The document did not provide specific stat shards. Typically, you'd want to prioritize AP, adaptive force, and either armor or magic resist based on your lane opponent.

Vex Starting Items: 

Vex starter item

Doran's Ring, 2x Health Potion

Vex First Recall items(1300G):

vex starter optimal

 Lost Chapter

Vex First Recall items (<1300G):

vex starter suboptimal

 Boots, Dark Seal, Amplifying Tome

Vex Core Build:

Vex core items

Luden's Tempest, Sorcerer's Shoes, Dark Seal

Vex Example Final Builds:

Vex Max Damage Build: 

Vex max dmg build

Sorcerer's Shoes, Luden's Tempest, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff

Vex Consistent Overall Build:

Vex consistent build

Everfrost, Sorcerer's Shoes, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap

Vex Anti-Tank Build:

Vex Anti tank buld

Liandry's Anguish, Sorcerer's Shoes, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass, Morellonomicon, Rabadon's Deathcap

Vex Ability Skill Order:

Vex Skill Order

Q: Mistral Bolt - Your primary poke and wave clear tool.

W: Personal Space - Provides a shield and deals AoE damage.

E: Looming Darkness - Use for CC and setting up kills.

R: Shadow Surge - Engage tool and great for catching out high-priority targets.

- Level 1: E

- Level 2: Q

- Level 3: E

- Max Order: Q -> W -> E

- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).

Vex during the Laning Phase:

Vex is aggressive. Focus on short trades using Electrocute and look for kill opportunities with Ignite. Use your Q for poke and wave clear.

Vex in the Early Game:

Look for skirmishes, especially with an aggressive jungler. Vex's 2v2 potential is strong.

Vex in the Mid Game:

Focus on catching out squishy targets with your R and Q combo. Look for flanks in team fights.

Vex in the Late Game:

Position safely and look for opportunities to burst down key targets. Your ultimate can change the outcome of a team fight.

Vex in Team Fights:

Engage with R on high-priority targets, then use Q and W for AoE damage. Position safely and be wary of CC.

How to play around Objectives with Vex:


Provide vision and look for picks before the dragon spawns. Use your burst to zone or kill enemy carries.


Same as dragon, but also consider using your R to catch out enemies in the Baron pit.


- Bad Matchup: Annie is an extreme threat due to her burst potential.

- Good Synergy: Amumu and other champions with CC that can set up your ultimate.

May your shadows surge and your enemies cower. Remember, with the Vex Mid Guide, every mid lane becomes your personal playground!

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