League of Legends

The ultimate Taric Support Guide (latest patch) - The unbreakable Diamond!

Welcome to the Taric Support Guide, where gems aren't just truly outrageous, they're also your ticket to climbing the ranks with style!

Taric Summoner Spells:

Taric SUmmoner Spells

1. Flash: This is a standard summoner spell for most champions. It allows Taric to quickly reposition, escape danger, or engage on enemies.

2. Ignite: Provides kill pressure in lane and reduces healing effects on enemies. Useful against champions with high sustain.

Taric Runes:

Taric Runes

Primary Tree - Inspiration:

1. Glacial Augment: Slows enemies on hit, enhancing Taric's ability to stick to targets and land his stuns.

2. Hextech Flashtraption: Allows for creative engages or escapes using Flash on a separate cooldown.

3. Biscuit Delivery: Provides sustain in lane and increases your maximum mana.

4. Approach Velocity: Grants bonus movement speed towards impaired allies or enemies, enhancing Taric's ability to engage or peel.

Secondary Tree - Resolve:

1. Revitalize: Boosts healing and shielding power, enhancing Taric's supportive capabilities.

2. Bone Plating: Reduces damage from trades, making Taric tankier in lane.

Stat Shards:

10% Attack Speed

6 Armor

6 Armor

Taric Starting Items:

Taric Starter Items

1. Relic Shield: Provides sustain and allows Taric to share minion gold with his ADC.

2. Health Potion: For additional sustain in lane.

3. Stealth Ward: To provide vision and prevent ganks.

Taric First Recall Items/Rush:

Taric First recall items

1. Sapphire Crystal: Provides additional mana for Taric's abilities.

2. Bramble Vest: Useful against AD champions and those with healing.

3. Boots: For mobility.

Taric Recommended Core Items:

Taric Full Build

1. Locket of the Iron Solari: Provides a shield to nearby allies.

2. Zeke's Convergence: Enhances your ADC's damage when you ult.

3. Abyssal Mask: Increases magic damage to nearby enemies.

4. Knight's Vow: Redirects some of the damage your ADC takes to you.

5. Bulwark of the Mountain: Upgraded from Relic Shield, provides additional stats and a shield.

6. Boots of Swiftness: Enhances mobility.


- Oracle Lens: To clear enemy vision.

Taric Skill Order:

Taric SKill Order

- Level 1: E

- Level 2: W

- Level 3: Q

- Max Order: E -> Q -> W

- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).

Taric during Laning Phase:

- Focus on protecting your ADC and setting up kills with your stun.

- Use Relic Shield to share minion gold.

- Ward river and tri-bush to prevent ganks.

Taric in the Mid Game:

- Roam with your jungler or mid laner to secure objectives and provide vision.

- Use your ultimate to turn fights in your team's favor.

Taric in the Late Game:

- Stick with your team and provide peel for your carries.

- Engage or counter-engage with your stun and ultimate.

How to play Taric in Team Fights:

- Use your ultimate to negate incoming damage for your team.

- Focus on stunning key threats and peeling for your carries.

Taric during Objectives:

- For Dragons and Barons, provide vision and be ready to use your ultimate to secure the objective or turn the fight.

Taric Matchups:

- The specific matchups were not provided in the document. However, Taric generally does well against all-in champions due to his ultimate and stun. He might struggle against poke-heavy champions or those who can disengage easily.

Taric is Strong Against:

- All-in champions like Leona, Alistar, etc.

Taric is Weak Against:

- Poke champions like Zyra, Brand, etc.

Additional Advice on playing Taric:

- Taric's ultimate has a delay before it activates. Anticipate when damage will come and use it accordingly.

- Practice chaining your abilities for maximum effect, especially your stun.

- Remember to constantly adapt your item build based on the enemy team composition and who is fed.

Diamonds are forever, but your opponents' patience won't be when facing you. Shine bright and dazzle them all with the Taric Support Guide. 

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