League of Legends

The ultimate Sona Guide Support Guide (latest patch)

Welcome to the ultimate Sona guide for the latest patch, where we turn your 'Sona-ta' of sorrow into a 'Symphony of Success'. So, buckle up, it's time to hit the high notes!

Summoner Spells:

1. Flash: This is a must-have for Sona for escaping or engaging.

2 .Exhaust: This spell is great for reducing an enemy's damage output and slowing them down, making it easier for you and your ADC to secure kills.


1. Primary Path - Sorcery: 

   - Summon Aery: This rune synergizes well with Sona's abilities to provide extra poke and shielding.

   - Manaflow Band: Helps with Sona's mana issues.

   - Celerity: Boosts Sona's movement speed, which is crucial for her positioning.

   - Waterwalking: Enhances Sona's roaming and objective control.

2. Secondary Path - Resolve:

   - Unflinching: Provides tenacity and slow resist, which is useful for Sona's survivability.

   - Bone Plating: Reduces damage taken, which can help Sona survive in lane.

Stat Shards:

1. 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

2. 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

3. 15-140HP (lvls 1-18)

Items to Buy:

1. Starting Items: Spellthief's Edge, 2x Health Potion, Stealth Ward

2. Optimal First Back Items: Tear of the Goddess, Boots, Ruby Crystal, Faerie Charm, Refillable Potion

3. Recommended Full Build: Shurelya's Battlesong, Staff of Flowing Water, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Shard of True Ice, Ardent Censer, Vigilant Wardstone

Ability Skill Order:

Q: Max first for poke and damage.

W: Max second for healing and shielding.

E: Max last for utility and movement speed.

R: Level up at 6, 11, and 16 for ultimate power.

General Playstyle:

Sona is a utility support champion that excels in poke, sustain, and crowd control. In the early game, focus on poking the enemy with Q and auto-attacks while healing your ADC with W. Remember to use E for dodging skill shots and engaging or disengaging fights. 


As a support, Sona doesn't typically farm minions. Instead, focus on poking the enemy and providing vision for your team. 

Laning Phase:

In the laning phase, Sona should focus on poking the enemy ADC and support with her Q ability and auto-attacks. Use her W ability to heal and shield her ADC when they take damage. 

Mid and Late Game:

In the mid and late game, Sona should stick with her team and provide heals and shields with her W, speed boosts with her E, and engage or disengage with her R. 

Team Fights:

In team fights, Sona should stay in the backline, healing and shielding her team with her W, and looking for opportunities to use her R to stun multiple enemies. 

Dragon and Baron Objective:

For Dragon and Baron, Sona should provide vision with wards and use her E to help her team reposition quickly. She can use her R to engage or disengage fights around these objectives.


Sona can struggle against champions with hard engage or high burst damage, as she is quite squishy. She does well against champions that she can poke down over time.

Sona is a versatile support champion that offers a blend of damage, healing, and utility. Understanding her abilities, knowing when to play aggressively or defensively, and building the right items can lead to a successful game. The recent changes in items have made some cheaper, allowing Sona to scale even faster, so take advantage of these adjustments to enhance your gameplay. And that's the final note on our Sona guide for the latest patch.

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