League of Legends

The ultimate Skarner (latest patch) - It's Impale o'clock!

Get ready to dig into the wild world of League of Legends, where the Skarner Jungle Guide is about to show you that there's more to life than just digging up fossils – we're talking about impaling enemies and racking up victories in the most crystal-clear fashion! Whether you're a gem enthusiast or just love a good chase, saddle up as we venture into the jungle with tips shinier than Skarner's spires!

Skarner Summoner Spells:

Skarner Summoner Spells

1. Flash: Essential for most champions, it provides Skarner with the ability to engage, disengage, or reposition during fights.

2. Gustwalker Smite: The jungle-specific smite for Skarner, helping him clear camps and secure objectives.

Skarner Bruiser Rune Page:

Skarner Runes

Precision Tree:

  - Conqueror: Provides Skarner with stacking damage and healing during extended fights.

  - Triumph: Grants additional healing and bonus gold on takedowns.

  - Legend: Tenacity: Increases Skarner's tenacity, reducing the duration of crowd control effects.

  - Coup de Grace: Deals more damage to low-health enemies.

Domination Tree (Secondary):

  - Zombie Ward: Provides vision control by transforming enemy wards.

  - Ingenious Hunter: Reduces the cooldown of item actives, which can be beneficial depending on Skarner's build.

Stat Shards:

+10% Attack Speed

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9AP)

+15-140HP (lvls 1-18)

Skarner Build/Items:

Starting Items:

Skarner Jungle Starter

Health Potion, Gustwalker Hatchling

 Boots Options:

Skarner boots options

Plated Steelcaps, Mercury's Treads, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Boots of Swiftness

Core Early Itemization:

Skarner Early COre items

Caulfield's Warhammer, Kindlegem, Boots, Sheen

Mythic Options:

Skarner Mythic Options

Trinity Force, Heartsteel Radiant Virtue, Jak'Sho, The Protean, Evenshroud, Iceborn Gauntlet

Skarner Main Build:

Black Cleaver, Evenshroud, Knight's Vow, Abyssal Mask, Sterak's Gage

Skarner Abilities & Skill Order:

Skarner Skill Order

Crystal Spires (Passive): Skarner's passive ability.

Crystal Slash (Q): Main damage ability.

Crystalline Exoskeleton (W): Provides Skarner with a shield and movement speed.

Fracture (E): Ranged ability that slows and can stun enemies.

Impale (R): Ultimate ability that suppresses and drags an enemy.

- Level 1: Q

- Level 2: E

- Level 3: W

- Max Order: Q -> W -> E

- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).

How to farm as Skarner:

Skarner's Q, Crystal Slash, is his main tool for clearing jungle camps. Use it in combination with his W for faster clears and protection. Remember to control his passive, Crystal Spires, for increased jungle clear speed and dueling power.

Skarner during the Laning Phase:

Skarner is not a laner, but during the early game, focus on efficient jungle pathing, securing scuttle crabs, and looking for gank opportunities. Skarner's E, Fracture, can set up ganks with its slow and potential stun.

Skarner in the Mid to Late Game:

Skarner excels in picking off isolated targets with his R, Impale. Look for opportunities to catch out enemies and secure objectives. Control vision around key areas like Dragon and Baron.

Skarner in Team Fights:

Your primary role is to engage and use your R on high-value targets, dragging them into your team. Use your E to peel for your carries and your W for survivability.

How to play Skarner around Objectives:

Skarner can secure Dragons and Barons with his team's help. Use your R to pick off any enemies trying to contest.

Skarner Matchups:

Generally, Skarner struggles against champions that can kite him or cleanse his ultimate, and he excels against immobile champions he can easily catch with his R.

 Additional Advice on playing Skarner:

- Always be aware of the enemy's items. If they have a Quicksilver Sash, they can cleanse your ultimate.

- Vision control is crucial for Skarner. The more you can deny enemy vision and control vision around objectives, the more opportunities you'll have to catch enemies off-guard with your R.

- Remember to utilize your passive, Crystal Spires, for increased dueling power and jungle clear speed. Controlling these spires can also provide valuable vision and control over the map.

So, with the power of crystals, the finesse of a jungle dance, and a pinch of good old-fashioned scorpion charm, you're now ready to conquer the wilds like never before – all thanks to the dazzling insights of the Skarner Jungle Guide.

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