The Ultimate Rumble Mid Guide (latest patch) - Dropping the equalizer like Denzel!
Welcome to the scorching mid lane madness of League of Legends, where the Rumble Mid Guide is about to drop more heat than a malfunctioning flamethrower – and trust me, it's all intentional! From turning teamfights into fiery fiestas to keeping enemies hotter than a cat on a tin roof, get ready to sizzle and strategize with a guide that's as spicy as Rumble's quips and as explosive as his Equalizer drop!
Rumble Summoner Spells:
1. Flash: Essential for repositioning, escaping, and engaging.
2. Ignite: Provides kill pressure and reduces healing.
Rumble Runes:
Primary (Sorcery):
- Arcane Comet: For poke and damage.
- Nimbus Cloak: Mobility after using a summoner spell.
- Absolute Focus: Increased damage when health is high.
- Scorch: Extra poke damage.
Secondary (Resolve):
- Bone Plating: Reduces damage from trades.
- Unflinching: Provides tenacity and slow resistance.
Stat Shards:
+9 Adaptive (5.4AD or 9AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4AD or 9AP)
+6 Armor
Rumble Starting Items:
Doran's Ring, 2x Health Potion, Stealth Ward
Rumble Boots Options:
Plated Steelcaps, Mercury's Treads, Boots of Swiftness, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Sorcerer's Shoes.
Rumble Mythic Options:
Night Harvester, Riftmaker, Hextech Rocketbelt, Heartsteel.
Rumble Core Items:
Night Harvester, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff.
Rumble Offensive Options:
Demonic Embrace, Morellonomicon, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap, Abyssal Mask, Hullbreaker.
Rumble Defensive Options:
Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil, Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage.
Rumble Standard Full Build:
Night Harvester, Sorcerer's Shoes, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass.
Rumble Abilities & Skill Order:
Passive - Junkyard Titan: Rumble's heat management ability.
Q - Flamespitter: Main damage ability.
W - Scrap Shield: Shield and movement speed boost.
E - Electro-Harpoon: Ranged poke and slow.
R - The Equalizer: Ultimate for area control and damage.
- Level 1: E
- Level 2: Q
- Level 3: W
- Max Order: Q -> E -> W
- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).
Rumble during the Laning Phase:
Focus on farming and poking the enemy with Q. Use W to mitigate trades and E for ranged poke or to slow enemies for ganks.
Rumble in the Early Game:
Look for roams to other lanes using The Equalizer for easy kills.
Rumble in the Mid Game:
Group with your team for objectives and skirmishes. Use your ultimate to control team fights.
Rumble in the Late Game:
Stay with your team, and use your abilities to zone enemies and deal damage in team fights.
Rumble Objectives:
Dragon: Use The Equalizer to zone enemies or deal damage during dragon fights.
Baron: Zone enemies with your ultimate and use Q to deal consistent damage.
Threats against Rumble:
Akshan is a significant threat. He's challenging to kill due to his overloaded kit. Look for roams or wait for jungle assistance.
Synergies with Rumble:
Alistar is an ideal synergy. He can knock enemies into or keep them inside The Equalizer.
Additional Advice on how to play Rumble:
- Rumble can be played in various roles, but this guide focuses on mid lane.
- Adapt your playstyle based on the matchup. Some champions might require a more passive approach, while others you can be aggressive against.
- Always manage your heat. Overheating at the wrong time can be detrimental.
And now, armed with the blazing insights of the Rumble Mid Guide, you're primed to rock the mid lane like a heavy metal concert – leaving enemies both stunned and slightly crispy after facing the fury of your Equalizer drop.