League of Legends

The ultimate Riven guide - hop, hop, destroy your enemies!

This is your quick and dirty guide to mastering Riven Top in the latest patch - bunny jump your enemies to death.

Summoner Spells

Flash and Ignite

Riven Runes

Primary: Precision

Keystone: Conqueror


Legend: Alacrity

Last Stand

Secondary: Sorcery


Nimbus Cloak

Stat Shards:

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor


Starting Items:

Long Sword and 3 Health Potions or Doran's Shield and a Health Potion (against poke or neutralizers)


Ionian Boots of Lucidity (generally good), Plated Steelcaps (against heavy AD), or Mercury's Treads (against heavy AP or CC)

First Item: 

Ravenous Hydra (generally good) or Goredrinker (against big burst top+JG)

Second Item: 

Black Cleaver

Third Item: 

Eclipse or Evenshroud

Core Build:

Ravenous Hydra, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Black Cleaver, Eclipse

Ability Skill Order:

Q (Broken Wings): Levels 1, 4, 5, 7, 9

W (Ki Burst): Levels 3, 15, 17, 18

E (Valor): Levels 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14

R (Blade of the Exile): Levels 6, 11, 16

General Playstyle and Advice on Farming:

Riven is a champion that benefits greatly from being ahead in the game. You should aim to play aggressively, win your lane, and gather as many resources as you can. Riven has one of the strongest level 1s in the top lane, so use this to your advantage to create a good position for yourself from the start. Try to secure level 2 before your opponent, as this can create kill opportunities.

When trading, try to avoid using your E to gap close, as it's often your ability to secure a safe disengage. Against ranged champions, if you're only using your E and 1Q to gap close, the trade can be good. If you're using E and 2Q's however, the trade will most likely be bad for you.

General Gameplay for the Laning, Early, Mid and Late Game:

In the early game, you want to try and put pressure onto your opponents from the start by playing for priority. If you fall behind, your main goal is to try and clear as many side waves and farm as many jungle camps as you can to get back into the game.

How to Play in a Team Fight:

Riven can have different roles in a team fight, and those depend on two main things: What is the win condition, and what major cooldowns are available. Riven is much stronger in any team fight if she has Flash, Guardian Angel, and Stopwatch because it gives you more opportunities and easier execution. If you have these cooldowns, you can play really aggressive towards limits in the team fight and dive the enemy backline. If you don't have these cooldowns, it's often better to play a bit more reserved and either play front to back or wait with joining a team fight until you get the cooldowns back up.

What to Do for the Dragon and Baron Objective:

The guides don't provide specific advice for Dragon and Baron objectives. However, as a top laner, you should be ready to teleport to these objectives if a fight breaks out. If you have your ultimate available, you can be a significant threat in these fights.

Good and Bad Matchups:

The guides don't provide specific good and bad matchups for Riven. However, Riven generally does well against champions that she can out-trade in the early game and snowball from there. She struggles against champions that can poke her down from range or that can out-sustain her damage. This was Riven’s ultimate guide for the latest patch.

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