League of Legends

The ultimate Nilah Guide (latest patch) - the joyful Demon!

Welcome to our ultimate Nilah Guide - the Joyful Demon! With her demon-forged blade and unending joy, Nilah turns titanic terrors into dance partners. Let's get this party started!"

Summoner Spells:

- Flash: Essential for escaping, engaging, and repositioning.

- Cleanse: Useful for removing crowd control effects.


- Primary Path: Precision

  - Keystone: Conqueror

  - Triumph

  - Legend: Bloodline

  - Coup de Grace

- Secondary Path: Inspiration

  - Magical Footwear

  - Future's Market

Stat Shards:

- 10% Attack Speed

- 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

- 6 Armor

Starting Items:

- Doran's Ring

- 2x Health Potion

- Stealth Ward

Nilah's 2 item Spike:

- Slightly Magical Boots

- Eclipse or Galeforce (Mythic Item)

-The Collector

- Zeal


- Slightly Magical Boots

- Galeforce (Mythic Item)

-The Collector

- Zeal

Nilah Full Build Items(Against close range):

- Eclipse

-The Collector

-Lord Dominik's Regards

- Bloodthirster

- Death's Dance

- Phantom Dancer

Nilah Full Build Items(Against longer range):

- Galeforce

-The Collector

-Lord Dominik's Regards

- Bloodthirster

- Death's Dance

- Spear of Shojin

Ability Skill Order:

- Q -> E -> W -> E -> E -> R -> E -> Q -> E -> Q -> R -> Q -> Q -> W -> W -> R -> W -> W

General Playstyle:

Nilah is a champion that excels in short trades and all-ins. She has a ton of waveclear in her kit, so use this to your advantage to control the minion wave. Max E first for shorter cooldown and more guaranteed damage per use. This also helps with waveclear. Start maxing Q after E is fully maxed out.


Use your Q and autos for wave clear. Your E is also very good for wave clearing. Try to last hit minions to maximize gold income.

Nilah’s Laning Phase:

During the laning phase, focus on farming and poking the enemy with your abilities. If you have a support that can engage or displace the enemy, like Pyke, Blitzcrank, or Nautilus, you can look for opportunities to all-in.

Nilah’s Mid Game:

In the mid game, you should have your core items and be looking to join team fights. Use your abilities to deal damage from the backline and use your E to reposition or escape if necessary.

Nilah’s Late Game:

In the late game, positioning becomes even more important. Stay behind your team's frontline and deal as much damage as possible in team fights. Use your E to reposition or escape if necessary.

How to play Nilah in Team Fights:

In team fights, stay in the backline and deal as much damage as possible. Use your E to reposition or escape if necessary. Use your R to heal and gain armor penetration.

How to play around the Dragon/Baron with Nilah:

For dragon and baron objectives, provide damage and use your abilities to zone the enemy team or secure the objective.


Nilah works well with supports that can engage or displace the enemy, like Pyke, Blitzcrank, or Nautilus. She also has good synergy with Sejuani and Aurelion Sol. Avoid laning with enchanters like Nami and Yuumi, as they don't provide the engage or displacement that Nilah needs.

Defensive Items:

Buy defensive items like Death's Dance (for AD burst) or Maw (for AP burst) when necessary. Steelcaps is a good option in the early-mid game against heavy AD teams. Death's Dance should be a 4th or 5th item choice after your core 3-item spike is achieved. Maw can be bought earlier if necessary. Bloodthirster as a 4th item is a good defensive option because of the lifesteal it provides.

That's a wrap on 'Nilah Guide: the joyful demon', so use this knowledge and start climbing ranks! 

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