League of Legends

The Ultimate Malphite Top Guide (Latest Patch) - Stand Firm, Crush the Competition, and Climb the Mountain of Ranks!

Rock solid in the top lane: with this ultimate Malphite guide (latest patch), you'll leave your enemies between a rock and a hard place!

Malphite - Summoner Spells:

Malphite summoner spells
  1. Flash
  2. Teleport

Malphite Top Runes:

Malphite top runes

Primary (Resolve):

Grasp of the Undying

Shield Bash



Secondary (Sorcery):

Manaflow Band


Stat Shards:

+10% Attack Speed

+6 Armor

+15-140 HP (lvls 1-18)

Malphite Items guide:

Starter Items:

Doran's Shield, Health Potion

First Item to rush:

Malphite first item to rush

Iceborn Gauntlet

Malphite Full Build:

Malphite full build

Malphite - Ability Skill Order:

Malphite ability skill order

Q - Seismic Shard: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9

W - Thunderclap: 2, 8, 10, 12, 13

E - Ground Slam: 1, 14, 15, 17, 18

R - Unstoppable Force (Ultimate): 6, 11, 16

Malphite - General Playstyle:

Early Game: Manage your mana carefully. If you can farm with auto-attacks, poke your opponent. If you're getting punished for every CS, save your abilities to last-hit unreachable minions. Utilize your passive, Granite Shield, to stay in lane longer. Engage in short trades to maximize damage while conserving HP. Once you've poked your opponent down, freeze the wave and zone them out. Be wary of enemy junglers.

Mid Game: After acquiring two items, you should be dominant in lane unless you're facing a counter or are significantly behind. If behind, look for picks with your ultimate. If ahead, either group with your team or split-push if you can dominate your lane opponent. Always maintain vision in the enemy jungle.

Late Game: Late game is challenging for Malphite. Engaging at the right time is crucial. A good engage can win the game, but a bad one can lose it. Be wary of your team's positioning and awareness. Sometimes, it's better to hold onto your ultimate to peel for your carries, especially against assassins.

Advice on Farming with Malphite:

Prioritize last-hitting over poking in the early game, especially if you're getting punished for every CS. Use abilities to secure minions that are out of reach.

Utilize Malphite's passive, Granite Shield, to absorb poke and stay in lane longer.

Teamfighting as Malphite:

Malphite excels at initiating fights with his R, Unstoppable Force. Look for opportunities to catch out key targets.

Be aware of your team's positioning. A good engage is useless if your team isn't there to follow up.

Sometimes, it's better to use your ultimate defensively, especially if the enemy team has assassins targeting your carries.

Dragon and Baron Objective fights as Malphite:

Malphite's ultimate is a game-changer around these objectives. Look for opportunities to catch multiple enemies with it.

Use your E, Ground Slam, to reduce the attack speed of enemies, making it harder for them to secure the objective.

Always maintain vision around these objectives and be wary of potential steals.

Malphite - Matchups:

Good Matchups: Malphite excels against AD champions, especially auto-attack reliant ones, due to his passive and E reducing attack speed.

Bad Matchups: AP champions or those with consistent poke can be challenging for Malphite. Champions that can break his shield easily and whittle him down are problematic.

Champions Strong Against Malphite: Champions with consistent poke, true damage, or % health damage can be problematic. Examples might include Darius, Vayne, and Fiora.

Champions Weak Against Malphite: AD champions, especially auto-attack reliant ones like Tryndamere, Yasuo, and most AD carries.

This was Malphite’s ultimate top guide for patch. 

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