League of Legends

The Ultimate Lissandra Mid Guide (Latest Patch) - Put your foes on ice and slide your way to victory!

Chill out and dive into this frosty Lissandra mid guide (latest patch) - your foes won't know what hit them until they're frozen solid!

Lissandra Summoner Spells:

lissandra summoner spells
  • Flash: Essential for Lissandra to either engage or escape. It can be used in combination with her E (Glacial Path) for surprise engages or to quickly get out of sticky situations.
  • Ignite: Increases kill pressure in lane, especially when combined with Electrocute. Can help secure early kills and snowball the lane.

Lissandra Mid Runes:

Lissandra mid runes

Primary (Domination):

Electrocute: Provides burst damage, especially potent in early trades.

Taste of Blood: Grants sustain in lane.

Eyeball Collection: Boosts AP as you secure kills/assists.

Ultimate Hunter: Reduces the cooldown of your ultimate, allowing for more frequent engages or self-peels.

Secondary (Sorcery):

Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain.

Gathering Storm: Boosts AP as the game progresses.

Stat Shards:

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+8 Magic Resist

Lissandra Full Item Build:

Starting Items:

Lissandra starter items

Doran's Ring, 2x Health Potion

First Recall:

lissandra first back items

Lost Chapter, Refillable Potion, Control Ward

Lissandra Full Build:

Lissandra - Full Build

Liandry's Anguish: Provides burn damage, AP, mana, and haste.

Sorcerer's Shoes: Magic penetration and movement speed.

Zhonya's Hourglass:Defensive item that synergizes well with Lissandra's kit.

Cosmic Drive: Movement speed and ability haste.

Void Staff: Magic penetration, especially against MR-stacking enemies.

Rabadon's Deathcap: Significant AP boost.

Lissandra Ability Skill Order:

Lissandra Ability skill order

Q (Ice Shard): Levels 1, 4, 5, 7, 9

W (Ring of Frost): Levels 2, 8, 10, 12, 13

E (Glacial Path): Levels 3, 14, 15, 17, 18

R (Frozen Tomb): Levels 6, 11, 16

Lissandra General Playstyle:

Laning Phase: Lissandra excels in short trades using her Q. Focus on farming while poking the enemy with Q. Once you hit level 3, you can look for aggressive trades using your full combo.

Mid Game: Look for roams and skirmishes. Lissandra's lockdown potential with her W and R can turn the tide of small fights.

Late Game: Stick with your team. In teamfights, you can either engage with E > W > R combo or peel for your carries using W and R.

Lissandra Farming:

Use Q to poke and farm simultaneously. If under pressure, use W to quickly clear melee minions.

Lissandra - Teamfighting:

Engage with E and lock down high-priority targets with W and R. Alternatively, use R on yourself in the midst of the enemy team to deal damage and disrupt them.

Lissandra - Objectives:

For dragons and barons, use your E for vision and positioning. Your W and R can be crucial for securing objectives or disrupting the enemy team's attempts.

Lissandra - Matchups:

Good Matchups: Champions that Lissandra can lock down easily and who lack mobility.

Bad Matchups: Champions that can out-range her or can easily dodge her abilities.

This was Lissandra’s ultimate mid guide for patch.

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