League of Legends

The ultimate Kha'Zix Guide (latest patch 13.15)

Welcome to the ultimate Kha'Zix Support guide for the latest patch, your one-stop resource for mastering this stealthy assassin in League of Legends.Let’s poke the enemies and win bot lane!

Summoner Spells:

1. Flash: This is a must-have for most champions in League of Legends, providing an instant gap closer or escape tool.

2. Ignite: This spell provides extra kill pressure in lane and reduces healing effects on the enemy, which can be crucial against champions with high sustain.

Kha'Zix Support Runes:

Primary Path - Sorcery:

1. Arcane Comet: This rune synergizes well with Kha'Zix's poke playstyle in the early game.

2. Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain in the lane.

3. Transcendence: Provides cooldown reduction, which is crucial for Kha'Zix's abilities.

4. Scorch: Adds extra damage to your poke.

Secondary Path - Inspiration:

1. Magical Footwear: Free boots at 12 minutes (or earlier with kills/assists) save you gold and provide extra movement speed.

2. Biscuit Delivery: Provides extra sustain in lane and increases your maximum mana.

Stat Shards:

1. 2x Adaptive Force (for extra AD)

2. Armor (for extra durability)


1. Starting Items: Spectral Sickle, 2x Health Potion, Stealth Ward

2. Early Game: Bandleglass Mirror, Boots

3. Fullbuild Items: Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Black Mist Scythe, Umbral Glaive, Imperial Mandate, Chempunk Chainsword, Black Cleaver

Ability Skill Order:

General Playstyle:

Kha'Zix is a high burst damage champion who excels at assassinating isolated targets. In the early game, focus on farming and poking your opponents with your W. Once you hit level 6 and get your ultimate, you can start looking for assassination opportunities. Remember to use your E to engage or disengage depending on the situation.


As Kha'Zix, you should focus on last-hitting minions and using your W to poke and push the wave. Remember to use your Q on isolated targets for extra damage.

Laning, Early, Mid, and Late Game:

In the laning phase, focus on farming and poking with your W. Once you hit level 6, you can start looking for kills. In the mid and late game, focus on assassinating isolated targets and providing vision for your team with your stealth ward.

Team Fights:

In team fights, your job is to assassinate the enemy's backline. Use your E to jump in, your Q and W to deal damage, and your R to escape or chase down enemies.

Dragon and Baron Objective:

As Kha'Zix, you can solo the dragon once you have a few items. For the Baron, you'll need your team's help. Use your W to poke enemies who are trying to contest these objectives.


Kha'Zix struggles against champions who can prevent him from isolating his targets. For example, Yuumi can attach to her allies, removing all value of your isolation damage and slow. It's recommended to ban her if you're playing Kha'Zix.

And there you have it - your comprehensive guide to dominating the Rift with Kha'Zix Support in the latest patch.

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