League of Legends

The ultimate Garen Top Guide (Latest Patch) - Spin to Win and start ranking up!

Garen, the Might of Demacia, is a tanky juggernaut who excels in the top lane. With his straightforward kit, he can be a menace in the right hands. Here's an in-depth guide to mastering Garen in the top lane.

Garen Summoner Spells:

Flash: Essential for engage, disengage, and outplay potential.

Ignite: Increases kill pressure in lane.

Garen Top Runes:

Garen top runes

Primary Tree - Sorcery:

Phase Rush: Provides mobility to chase or escape.

Nimbus Cloak: Grants bonus movement speed after using a summoner spell.

Celerity: Enhances movement speed bonuses.

Gathering Storm: Scales your AD as the game progresses.

Secondary Tree - Resolve:

Second Wind: Provides healing after taking damage from enemy champions.

Overgrowth: Grants bonus health as you kill minions.

Stat Shards:

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)

+6 Armor

Garen Items guide:

Garen - Starting Items:

Garen starter item

Doran's Shield

Health Potion

Early Power Spike Items:

Garen power spike items

Berserker's Greaves

Hearthbound Axe


Ironspike Whip

Full build Garen Items:

Berserker's Greaves



Black Cleaver

Phantom Dance

Sterak's Gage

Garen - Ability Skill Order:

Garen abilities skill order

Q - Decisive Strike: Prioritize this for damage and mobility.

E - Judgment: Secondary priority for wave clear and trades.

W - Courage: Take a point early for the passive resistance and active damage reduction.

R - Demacian Justice: Level up whenever available (6, 11, 16).

Garen - General Playstyle:

Garen - Laning Phase:

Focus on farming and trading with Q.

Use E to clear waves and trade.

W can be used to mitigate incoming damage.

Look for all-ins post level 6 with R.

Garen - Mid Game:

Split push and apply pressure.

Join team fights where necessary.

Control objectives with your team.

Garen - Late Game:

Be the frontline for your team.

Engage with Q and E, and execute with R.

Peel for your carries if needed.

Garen - Team Fights:

Engage onto priority targets.

Use W to soak up damage.

Spin with E in the midst of the enemy team.

Use R to execute low-health targets.

Garen Baron and Dragon fights:


Help secure vision around the dragon pit.

Engage or zone enemies during the dragon fight.


Be prepared to turn and fight the enemy.

Use E to deal damage to multiple enemies in the pit.

Garen Matchups:

Good Matchups:

Champions without hard crowd control or mobility. Champions you can out-trade with Q and E.

Bad Matchups:

Champions with high mobility or poke. Champions that can kite Garen easily.

Garen is a formidable top laner with a simple yet effective kit. By mastering his mechanics and understanding his matchups, you can dominate the top lane and lead your team to victory. Remember to adapt your build and playstyle based on the game's situation and your opponents. Good luck on the Summoner's Rift! This was Garen’s ultimate guide for the latest patch.

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