League of Legends
The ultimate Camille top guide - hookshot your way to victory!
Become the ultimate Splitpusher with this Camille toplane guide.
Camille - Summoner Spells:
- Ignite: Provides kill pressure in lane and reduces healing.
- Teleport: Allows for map presence, split-pushing, and quick returns to lane.
Camille Top Runes:
Primary (Inspiration):
- Keystone: First Strike
- Perfect Timing: Provides a free stopwatch.
- Future's Market: Allows for borrowing gold to get items faster.
- Approach Velocity: Increases movement speed towards impaired enemies.
Secondary (Domination):
- Sudden Impact: Grants bonus lethality and magic penetration after using a dash.
- Treasure Hunter: (Note: This rune doesn't exist in the game as of my last update, so it might be a custom or humorous addition.)
Stat Shards:
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Camille Items to buy:
Starting Item:
- Cull
- health portion
First Recall:
- Sheen, Refillable Potion, Control Ward
Camille Core Items:
- Trinity Force
- Ravenous Hydra
- The Collector
- Death's Dance
- Sterak's Gage
- Guardian Angel
- Boots Options: Mercury's Treads, Plated Steelcaps
Camille - Ability Skill Order:
- Q - Precision Protocol: Levels 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
- W - Tactical Sweep: Levels 1, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18
- E - Hookshot/Wall Dive: Levels 2, 8, 10, 12, 13
- R - Hextech Ultimatum: Levels 6, 11, 16
General Playstyle as Camille:
Camille - Laning Phase:
- Understand when to engage using Hookshot. Engage when you're sure you'll deal more damage than you'll receive. Some matchups allow for aggressive engages, while others require patience and timing.
Camille - Teamfighting:
- Focus on assassinating carries first, then shift attention to tankier champions. It's often best to wait for a fight to start, then flank and engage when enemy abilities are on cooldown.
- Split-Pushing: Camille excels at split-pushing due to her dueling capabilities and mobility. Push side lanes and apply pressure, then join teamfights when necessary.
Camille - Advice on Farming:
- Use Ravenous Hydra for efficient wave clear.
- Prioritize last-hitting minions to maximize gold income.
Gameplay Phases as Camille :
- Early Game: Focus on farming and trading effectively. Look for opportunities to use Ignite for kill pressure.
- Mid Game: Split-push and apply pressure in side lanes. Join teamfights when necessary.
- Late Game: Continue split-pushing, but be wary of enemy rotations. Engage in teamfights with the strategy of flanking and assassinating key targets.
Teamfight Strategy:
- Split: Push side lanes.
- Flank: Approach teamfights from the side or behind.
- Assassinate: Target and eliminate key enemy champions.
- Repeat: Return to split-pushing and apply pressure.
Objective Play as Camille:
- Dragon: Provide vision with Control Wards and look for opportunities to engage or steal.
- Baron: Split-push to draw attention away from Baron. Join the team if a fight breaks out or if your team starts the Baron.
Camille Matchups:
- Extreme Threats: Lucian (Avoid letting him steal your gold.)
- Ideal Synergies: Draven (Work together for mutual benefits.)
Camille's strength lies in her ability to duel, split-push, and assassinate key targets. Understanding matchups, knowing when to engage, and playing around objectives are crucial for success.This was Camille’s ultimate toplane guide for the latest patch.