League of Legends
The ultimate Bel'Veth guide - destroy them like a true queen of the VOID!
Bel'Veth’s ultimate guide (latest patch) - the queen of the VOID, get ready to conquer the Rift!
Bel'Veth Summoner Spells:
- Flash: Essential for repositioning, escaping, or engaging.
- Mosstomper Smite: Use against high CC teams.
Bel'Veth Runes:
Primary Tree (Precision):
- Conqueror: For sustained fights.
- Triumph: For extra sustain after kills.
- Legend: Tenacity: To reduce crowd control duration.
- Last Stand: More damage as your health gets lower.
Secondary Tree (Resolve):
- Conditioning: For increased resistances.
- Revitalize: Boosts healing and shielding.
Stat Shards:
- +10% Attack Speed
- +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
- +6 Armor
Bel'Veth Items:
- Starting Items: Refillable Potion, Stealth Ward, Mosstomper Seedling.
- Core Items:
- Kraken Slayer: For bonus true damage on-hit.
- Plated Steelcaps: For armor and reduced damage from basic attacks.
- Guinsoo's Rageblade: For on-hit effects.
- Wit's End: For magic resist and on-hit magic damage.
- Death's Dance: For sustain and damage delay.
- Titanic Hydra: For bonus health and cleave damage.
Bel'Veth Ability Skill Order:
- Q - Void Surge: Levels 1, 4, 5, 7, 9
- W - Above and Below: Levels 2, 14, 15, 17, 18
- E - Royal Maelstrom: Levels 3, 8, 10, 12, 13
- R - Endless Banquet: Levels 6, 11, 16
General Playstyle with Bel'Veth:
Bel'Veth - Early Game:
Focus on clearing camps using Q for dashing and auto-attacking twice to utilize the passive. Depending on your start, either take W or E second. You can either go for a full clear or a 4-5 camp clear followed by a gank.
Bel'Veth - Mid Game
Look for objectives and skirmishes. Utilize your abilities to engage or peel for your team.
Bel'Veth - Late Game
Focus on team fights, securing objectives, and pushing lanes. Use your R to its full potential in team fights.
Bel'Veth Farming:
- Use Q to dash and auto-attack twice for passive utilization.
- Use W and E for AoE damage and crowd control.
Bel'Veth Team Fights:
- Engage with W for the knock-up.
- Use E for damage reduction and life steal.
- Utilize R for true damage and to enter TRUE FORM for enhanced stats.
Bel'Veth Objectives:
- For Dragons and Baron, use your abilities to zone out enemies. Use E for damage mitigation and Q for mobility.
Bel'Veth Matchups:
- Bad Matchup: Olaf - He's a strong early invader and duelist. Difficult to win 1v1s against him, especially if he's ahead.
- Good Synergy: Lulu - Her heals, shields, and attack speed buffs complement Bel'Veth's playstyle.
This was Bel'Veth’s ultimate jungle guide for the latest patch.