League of Legends

The ultimate Azir guide - bury your enemies in the sand of time!

Azir - Summoner Spells:

Azir summoner spells
  • Flash: Essential for positioning, escaping, and executing the Shurima Shuffle.
  • Ignite: For aggressive laning and securing kills.
  • Teleport (Top Lane): Provides safety to recover from bad trades or deaths and offers global pressure. Post-14 minutes, it's crucial for joining fights while side-laning.

Azir - Runes: Most Consistent Setup

Azir mid runes

Primary (Precision):

  • Conqueror: Provides sustained damage in extended trades.
  • Presence of Mind: Mana sustain.
  • Legend: Alacrity: Attack speed boost.
  • Coup de Grace: Extra damage to low-health enemies.

Secondary (Sorcery):

  • Manaflow Band: Mana sustain.
  • Transcendence: CDR and scaling.

Stat Shards:

  • 10% Attack Speed
  • 9 Adaptive (5,4 AD or 9 AP)
  • 8 Magix Resist

Azir - Items to buy:

Starting Items:

Azir starter items

Doran's Ring, Health Potion x2 or Corrupting Potion.

First Back Options:

Azir - first back items

Boots, Dark Seal, Sapphire Crystal, Amplifying Tome, Lost Chapter, Blasting Wand.

Recommended Build Path:

Azir - full build
  • Luden's Tempest: Core item for burst and mana sustain.
  • Sorcerer's Shoes: Magic penetration.
  • Shadowflame: Adds to your damage output.
  • Rabadon's Deathcap: Major AP boost.
  • Zhonya's Hourglass: Defensive option with stasis.
  • Void Staff: Magic penetration against MR stacking enemies.

Azir Ability Skill Order:

Azir - ability skill order
  1. W (Arise!) at levels: 1, 4, 5, 7, 9
  2. Q (Conquering Sands) at levels: 2, 8, 10, 12, 13
  3. E (Shifting Sands) at levels: 3, 14, 15, 17, 18
  4. R (Emperor's Divide) at levels: 6, 11, 16

Azir - General Playstyle and Gameplay:

Azir Early Game:

  • Azir is weak at level 1, so avoid invades.
  • Push waves with W and aim for level 2.
  • Look for quick trades or poke trades.
  • Be wary of ganks and position accordingly.
  • Assist in objectives like Dragon.
  • Roaming isn't Azir's strength, but can be done against immobile champs.

Azir Mid Game:

  • Siege and take out mid tower.
  • Make picks and engage in teamfights.
  • Group with your team for objectives.
  • If behind, consider sidelaning.

Azir Late Game:

  • Azir scales incredibly well.
  • Focus on sieges, objectives, and teamfights.
  • Group with your team and avoid sidelaning.

Azir Teamfighting:

  • Position soldiers effectively.
  • Poke with Q and engage with Shurima Shuffle when safe.
  • Use E defensively and R for peel or engage.

Azir Matchups:

  • Extreme Threats:
  • Irelia: Highly mobile and can negate some of Azir's damage. Avoid her stun and play safe.
  • Ideal Synergies:
  • [Error: Data not provided]

Azir Top Lane Specific Tips:

  • Consider Electrocute or Arcane Comet against squishy and mobile top laners.
  • Barrier or Heal can be taken against hard engage champions.
  • Azir excels against melee champions due to easier harass.
  • Be wary of ganks and dives; positioning is key.
  • Join skirmishes with your jungler and chain CC.
  • Only teleport to bot lane if the enemy top laner has also teleported and you're confident in winning the fight.


  1. High consistent damage.
  2. Mobility for a mage.
  3. Strong lane bully.
  4. Solid teamfighting.
  5. Amazing scaling.


  1. Vulnerable when behind.
  2. Lacks burst & CC.
  3. Relies on a frontline.
  4. Difficult to master.
  5. Subject to nerfs.

This was Azir’s ultimate guide for the latest patch start dominating the rift with him.

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