the ultimate Aurelion Sol guide - crush your enemies and rank up!
This is an in-depth guide for playing Aurelion Sol in the mid lane for the latest patch, covering everything from summoner spells, runes, stat shards, item builds, ability skill order, general playstyle, farming advice, gameplay strategies for early, mid, and late game, team fight tactics, dragon and baron objectives, and champion matchups.
Summoner Spells
- Flash
- Teleport
Aurelion Sol - Runes
Primary: Sorcery
- Arcane Comet
- Manaflow Band
- Transcendence
- Gathering Storm
Secondary: Domination
- Taste of Blood
- Ultimate Hunter
- Stat Shards: Not specified in the provided documents.
Aurelion Sol - Items
Starter Item:
- Doran's Ring + Health Potion
Recommended Items:
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Rod of Ages
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Seraph's Embrace
- Shadowflame
- Rabadon's Deathcap
Ability Skill Order
- Q - Breath of Light: Levels 2, 5, 7, 8, 9
- W - Astral Flight: Levels 3, 14, 15, 17, 18
- E - Singularity: Levels 1, 4, 10, 12, 13
- R - Falling Star (Ultimate): Levels 6, 11, 16
General Playstyle and Gameplay
- Early Game: Aurelion Sol has high mana costs, so starting with Tear of the Goddess is recommended. Use your E to stack the passive when enemy minions fall low. Be careful when using your E and Q as enemies will try to punish you when you make yourself stationary.
- Mid Game: Your biggest power spike is at level 6 when you get your ultimate. Try to play safe until then. If you can push faster than your opponent, consider roaming to help your teammates.
- Late Game: After getting your first item, you should be strong enough to force engagements. However, always try to maximize the gold and XP you receive by farming in side lanes.
Team Fights
Aurelion Sol's strength in team fights comes from his ultimate. Always group with your team and wait for the best opportunity to use your ult. Good ult usage can easily turn the tide of a team fight.
Aurelion Sol Matchups
- Threats: Neeko is listed as an extreme threat. The matchup is considered unplayable and it's recommended to dodge this matchup.
- Synergies: The documents provided do not specify any champions that synergize well with Aurelion Sol.
Spread your auto attacks on multiple minions, drop your E and further burn them with Q to execute and harvest the star dust.
Remember, this guide is a general overview and may not apply to every situation in a game. Always adapt your playstyle based on the game's circumstances.This was Aurelion Sol’s ultimate guide for the latest patch.