the ultimate Ashe support guide - support like a queen and rank up!
This Ashe support guide helps you dominate the bot-lane and start ranking up!
Ashe - Summoner Spells:
- Flash: This is a must-have for most champions, Ashe included. It allows you to escape dangerous situations or secure kills.
- Exhaust: This spell is great for reducing an enemy's damage output and slowing them down, which can be crucial in securing kills or escaping.
Ashe Runes:
Primary Path: Sorcery
- Arcane Comet: This will increase your poke damage in lane.
- Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain.
- Transcendence: Provides cooldown reduction.
- Gathering Storm: Increases your AD over time.
Secondary Path: Domination
- Cheap Shot: Provides extra damage against impaired enemies.
- Zombie Ward: Provides extra vision control.
Stat Shards:
+8 ability haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ashe support item build:
Start with:
Spectral Sickle, Health Potion, and Stealth Ward.
On your first back:
Aim for Tear of the Goddess, Boots, Long Sword, Refillable Potion, and Control Ward.
Ashe's Core build:
Black Mist Scythe, Umbral Glaive, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Muramana, Liandry's Anguish, and Vigilant Wardstone.
Ashe - Ability Skill Order:
- Q (Ranger's Focus): Levels 3, 14, 15, 17, 18
- W (Volley): Levels 1, 4, 5, 7, 9
- E (Hawkshot): Levels 2, 8, 10, 12, 13
- R (Enchanted Crystal Arrow): Levels 6, 11, 16
Ashe support - General Playstyle:
Early Game:
Focus on poking the enemy with your Volley and auto-attacks. Use Hawkshot to provide vision of the enemy jungle. Try to secure kills for your ADC.
Mid Game:
Continue to provide vision for your team and play around objectives. Use your ultimate to engage or disengage fights.
Late Game:
Stay safe from enemy assassins and provide as much vision as possible. Use your ultimate wisely in team fights.
Ashe - Farming:
As a support, you won't be farming much. However, you can use your Volley to help your ADC farm under tower.
Dragon and Baron Objective:
Maintain vision control around these objectives. Use your Hawkshot to check if the enemy team is taking these objectives. Use your ultimate to engage or disengage fights around these objectives.
Ashe - Matchups:
Bad Matchup: Blitzcrank. If he lands his hook, you're likely to die. Play behind minions and poke him with your auto-attacks.
Good Matchup: Varus. You can poke him from a distance and slow him down with your abilities.
Remember, this guide is for a very off-meta build, so it may not work in every situation. Always adapt your playstyle and build to the specific game you're in.This was Ashe’s ultimate guide for the latest patch.