League of Legends

The ultimate Anivia guide - freeze your enemies to death and rank up!

Aniviai’s ultimate guide (latest patch) - Bury your enemies in a blizzard!

Anivia mid - Summoner Spells:

Flash: Essential for escaping, engaging, or repositioning.

Ignite: Provides extra kill pressure in lane.

Anivia Mid Runes:

Primary (Sorcery): Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Scorch.

Secondary (Precision): Presence of Mind, Coup de Grace.

Stat Shards: The Google Sheet provided had errors for the stat shards, but typically you would want to go for Ability Haste, Adaptive Force, and Armor or Magic Resist based on your lane opponent.

Anivia item build

  • Starting: Doran's Ring, Health Potion x2, Tear of the Goddess, Dark Seal, Boots.
  • Core: Sorcerer's Shoes, Rod of Ages, Seraph's Embrace, Dark Seal.

Anivia Standard Build:

Sorcerer's Shoes, Rod of Ages, Seraph's Embrace, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Farsight Alteration.

Anivia Mid - Ability Skill Order:

Q (Flash Frost): Levels 1, 8, 10, 12, 13

W (Crystallize): Levels 4, 14, 15, 17, 18

E (Frostbite): Levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 9

R (Glacial Storm): Levels 6, 11, 16

General Playstyle of Anivia:

Anivia Mid - Early Game:

Focus on last hitting minions and waiting for the enemy to walk into your range or get ganked. Anivia has high base damage on her Q and E, so even a single combo can cost your enemy most of their HP.

Anivia Mid - Mid Game:

After level 6, you have fast wave clear with your R (Glacial Storm). Use this to push waves quickly and roam to help your jungler or other lanes.

Anivia Mid - Late Game:

Your job is to clear waves, secure objectives with your team, and deny what the enemy team is trying to do. Use your R and Q to zone enemies from objectives and peel for your team in fights.

Anivia Mid - Farming:

Anivia is a slow champion with no mobility, so be extremely careful when pushing your lane. Only do so if you have your jungler nearby or sufficient vision/knowledge of where the enemy jungler/support is.

Anivia Mid - Team Fights:

Use your spells to peel for your team or zone the enemy backline with your W (Crystallize) to turn the fight in your favor.

Anivia Mid - Dragon and Baron Objective with Anivia:

When your team is doing Dragon or Baron, push the mid wave and join them. Use your R and E to damage the objective and your W and Q to zone the enemy from approaching.


Threats: Kassadin is listed as an extreme threat.

Remember, the key to playing Anivia well is patience. She has a lot of tough matchups and isn't really a full champion before level 6. However, she is extremely powerful at punishing mistakes, especially with Electrocute and Ignite. Practice her combos, understand her limits, and adapt your playstyle as you gain more experience. This was Anivia’s ultimate guide for the latest patch.

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