League of Legends

the ultimate Ahri guide - Charm your way to the top!

Ahri’s ultimate guide (latest patch) - Charm your way to the top!

Ahri's - Summoner Spells:

  1. Flash: This is a must-have for Ahri as it provides mobility and escape potential.
  2. Ignite: This spell is great for securing kills in the early game.

Ahri Runes:

Primary Path - Domination:

  1. Electrocute: This is Ahri's main source of burst damage.
  2. Taste of Blood: This provides Ahri with some sustain in the lane.
  3. Eyeball Collection: This helps Ahri scale into the late game.
  4. Ultimate Hunter: This reduces the cooldown of Ahri's ultimate, which is crucial for her mobility and damage.

Secondary Path - Sorcery:

  1. Manaflow Band: This helps with Ahri's mana issues.
  2. Transcendence: This provides Ahri with cooldown reduction.

Stat Shards:

  1. Adaptive Force
  2. Adaptive Force
  3. Magic Resist or Armor (depending on the matchup)

Full Build Ahri:

  1. Sorcerer's Shoes (1100 gold): This provides magic penetration.
  2. Luden's Echo (3200 gold): This is Ahri's core item for damage and mana.
  3. Shadowflame (3000 gold): This provides a bit of magic penetration as well as health
  4. Zhonya's Hourglass (2600 gold): This provides armor and a stasis effect.
  5. Rabadon's Deathcap (3600 gold): This greatly increases Ahri's ability power.
  6. Morellonomicon (2500 gold): This provides magic penetration and grievous wounds.x

Ability Skill Order:

  1. Q - Orb of Deception (1,4,5,7,9)
  2. E - Charm (3,8,10,12,13)
  3. W - Fox-Fire (2,14,15,17,18)
  4. R - Spirit Rush (Ultimate) (6,11,16)

Ahri General Playstyle:

Ahri is a mage assassin who excels at poking and bursting down enemies. She should focus on farming in the early game and look for kill opportunities once she hits level 6. Ahri should also roam to other lanes to help her team secure kills.

Farming with Ahri:

Ahri should use her Q to farm minions, in case a lane push is required otherwise stick to auto-attacks to safe mana. It's important to last hit minions to maximize gold income.

Laning Phase:

In the laning phase, Ahri should focus on farming and poking the enemy with her Q. She should also look for opportunities to use her E to set up kills.

Early Game:

In the early game, Ahri should focus on farming and getting her core items. Once she hits level 6, she can look for kill opportunities with her ultimate.

Mid Game:

In the mid game, Ahri should look to roam and help her team secure objectives. She should also look for opportunities to catch out enemies with her E.

Late Game

:In the late game, Ahri should stick with her team and look for opportunities to burst down key targets in team fights.

Team Fights:

In team fights, Ahri should look to burst down the enemy's carries. She should use her E to catch out key targets and her ultimate to reposition and avoid damage.

Dragon and Baron Objective with Ahri:

Ahri should help her team secure these objectives. She can use her E to catch out enemies who are trying to contest the objectives.

Ahri Matchups:

Ahri is strong against champions like Lux, Veigar, and Ziggs, who have predictable abilities that she can dodge with her ultimate. She is weak against champions like LeBlanc, Zed, and Fizz, who can burst her down before she can react.

Remember, this guide is a general overview and your success with Ahri will also depend on your understanding of the game, your mechanical skill, and your decision-making. Good luck! This was Ahri’s ultimate guide for patch.

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