League of Legends

The in-depth Shen Top Guide (latest patch) - Standing united for the shadow assault!

Greetings, fellow summoners, to the disciplined realm of League of Legends, where the Shen Top Guide beckons you to embrace the art of standing united – because nothing says "teamwork" quite like teleporting into a fight, unless you count getting caught in the enemy jungle with only a ninja sword and a prayer!

Shen Summoner Spells:

Shen Summoner Spells

1. Flash

2. Ignite

Shen Runes:

Shen Runes

Primary Tree - Resolve:

1. Grasp of the Undying

2. Shield Bash

3. Second Wind

4. Revitalize

Secondary Tree - Domination:

1. Cheap Shot

2. Ultimate Hunter

Stat Shards:

+10% Attack Speed

+9 Adaptive (5.4AD or 9AP)

+6 Armor

Shen Starting Items:

Shen's starter items

1. Doran's Shield

2. Health Potion

Shen First Recall Items:

Shen First Recall

1. Bami's Cinder

2. Refillable Potion

3. Control Ward

Shen Core Build Paths:

Radiant Ult is king:

Shen full build ult is king

Radiant Virtue, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Ardent Censer, Sunfire Aegis, Abyssal Mask, Staff of Flowing Water

Statikk Shock Shen:

Shen Statik full build

Iceborn Gauntlet, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Statikk Shiv, Mejai's Soulstealer, Abyssal Mask, Frozen Heart

Heartsteel Tank:

Tanky tank SHen

Heartsteel, Mercury's Treads, Sunfire Aegis, Titanic Hydra, Anathema's Chains, Gargoyle Stoneplate

Divine Shen:

Divine Sunderer, Plated Steelcaps, Spirit Visage, Sunfire Aegis, Anathema's Chains, Randuin's Omen

Shen Ability Details & Skill Order:

Shen SKill Order

1. Ki Barrier (Passive): After using an ability, Shen gains a shield. The shield activates after the triggering ability's effect is finished.

2. Twilight Assault (Q): Shen pulls his spirit blade to him, granting empowered basic attacks. Pulling the blade through an enemy increases damage and slows them.

3. Spirit's Refuge (W): Creates a protective area around the blade that blocks enemy basic attacks targeted at allies.

4. Shadow Dash (E): Shen dashes, damaging and taunting enemies hit. Also recovers energy when dealing damage.

5. Stand United (R): Shen teleports to an ally champion, shielding them. The shield scales based on the target's missing health.

- Level 1: Q

- Level 2: E

- Level 3: W

- Max Order: Q -> E -> W

- Take a point in your R (ultimate) whenever possible (levels 6, 11, and 16).

Shen during the Laning Phase:

- Focus on farming and using your Q to trade with the enemy.

- Use your W to block enemy auto-attacks, especially during trades.

- Look for opportunities to use your E to engage or disengage.

- Keep an eye on the map for potential ult opportunities to assist your team.

Shen in the Mid Game:

- Split push and apply pressure on side lanes.

- Use your ultimate to join team fights or save allies in danger.

- Control vision around objectives.

Shen in the Late Game:

- Continue to split push but be ready to join team fights with your ultimate.

- Prioritize objectives and team coordination.

Shen during Teamfighting:

- Engage with E or peel for your carries.

- Use W to block critical auto-attacks or abilities.

- Use your ultimate to shield high-priority targets or carries.

Shen around Objectives:

- For Dragons and Barons, ensure vision control and be ready to use your ultimate to join the fight.

- Use your E to engage or peel for your team during objective contests.

Threats against Shen:

- Aatrox (Extreme Threat): Dodge his Q's, consider getting an early Bramble Vest. Be careful with your E timing to avoid his W pull.

Synergies with Shen:

- Kha'Zix (Ideal Synergy): Shen and Kha'Zix can appear together in the enemy backline, with Shen taunting enemies and Kha'Zix focusing high-priority targets.

Additional Advice on playing Shen:

- Shen is a versatile champion with a high skill ceiling. Mastering his abilities and map awareness can greatly increase your impact in games.

- Always be aware of the map and look for opportunities to use your ultimate to turn fights in your team's favor.

And thus, with your newfound ninja finesse and the camaraderie of a thousand Shen-sized shields, you're primed to conquer the top lane and beyond – a testament to the power of the Shen Top Guide.

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