The Best Yoru lineups on Split in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Yoru Split lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Yoru Split lineups and play like a pro!
Access all Yoru Split lineups and start ranking up!
Beat your enemies on Split with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Yoru's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Yoru lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Yoru's top-rated lineups for Split in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Gatecrash - A Lobby - A Screens
From the attacker's side in A lobby, use Yoru's Gatecrash ability to set up a teleport marker towards A screens. This enables a swift rotation from A lobby to A site, creating a surprise attack or quick escape.
Gatecrash - Mid Bottom - B Back
Using Gatecrash from mid-bottom allows you to set a teleport marker at B back. This can help Yoru to quickly move from mid to B site, surprising opponents or allowing for fast rotations.
Gatecrash - B Tower - A Screens
From B tower, throw a Gatecrash to A Screens. This allows for quick and unexpected rotations from B site to A site, catching opponents off-guard.
Gatecrash - B Site - Attacker Spawn
By using Gatecrash on B site directed towards the attacker's spawn, Yoru can retreat quickly in case of an overwhelming defense or use it as a trick to distract the opponents.
Gatecrash - B Tower - Attacker Spawn
From B tower, use Gatecrash to set a teleport marker towards the attacker's spawn. This provides Yoru with a quick escape route or a strategic rotation to another site.
Gatecrash - A Main - A Elbow
From A main, use Gatecrash aiming towards A elbow. This allows Yoru to either quickly flank the enemies or escape from A main, providing unexpected movements.
Gatecrash - Mid Vent - B Lobby
This lineup involves using Gatecrash from mid vent and aiming towards B lobby. This can provide Yoru with a quick retreat path or an unexpected flank, disorienting the enemy.
Gatecrash - B Garage - B Site
Utilizing Gatecrash from B Garage to B site provides a way to bypass common chokepoints. It can be used for quick plants, surprise attacks, or rapid escape during unfavorable fights.
Gatecrash - A Screens - B Garage
From A screens, you can use Gatecrash to create a teleport marker in B garage. This allows for unexpected rotations from A to B, potentially catching opponents off-guard or saving time on rotations.
Gatecrash - A Screens - B Garage
Using Gatecrash from A Screens and aiming towards B Garage can give Yoru a rapid means of rotating between sites, helping to create unpredictability and potentially catch enemies by surprise.
Yoru's ultimate Split lineups
If you want to learn more about Yoru's Split lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.