The Best Yoru lineups on Breeze in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Yoru Breeze lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Yoru Breeze lineups and play like a pro!
Access all Yoru Breeze lineups and start ranking up!
Beat your enemies on Breeze with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Yoru's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Yoru lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Yoru's top-rated lineups for Breeze in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Gatecrash - Defender Spawn - Attacker Spawn
This lineup allows Yoru to quickly return to the defender spawn from the attacker's spawn. It's useful when you've pushed too far into enemy territory and need a quick escape.
Gatecrash - B Back - Attacker Spawn
Yoru places the Gatecrash teleport point in the B back area, providing a quick route from the attacker's spawn to the B site. This is particularly handy for surprise attacks or quick rotates.
Gatecrash - Mid Pillar - B Back
Deploy Gatecrash from B back towards mid pillar. This creates a quick escape or reposition option from B site to the mid area, adding unpredictability to your defense.
Gatecrash - A Site - Attacker Spawn
This is for when Yoru starts at the attacker's spawn and places his teleport at A site. It allows a quick transition to A site, which can be helpful in scenarios where the team decides to quickly switch bomb sites.
Gatecrash - A Rope - Defender Spawn
Use Gatecrash to place a teleport from the defender's spawn to the A Rope. This can aid in fast rotations from the defender's side to A site, particularly if a push from attackers is detected.
Gatecrash - Defender Spawn - B Back
From the defender spawn, Yoru can send his Gatecrash to B back. This allows for a quick relocation to the B site when you sense a B push from the enemy team, giving your team an upper hand in defense.
Gatecrash - Defender Spawn - B Back
Yoru can use the Gatecrash to quickly move from the defender spawn to the B site. This helps your team defend if the other team is trying to take over B. It gives you an advantage in defending.
Gatecrash - Mid Cannon - B Back
This lineup involves Yoru positioning his teleport marker at B Back from the mid cannon area. This provides a tactical option for sudden engagements at B site or for a quick retreat.
Gatecrash - Mid Pillar - A Pyramids
Yoru deploys Gatecrash from A pyramids towards the mid pillar. This can be used for quick rotations to mid from A site, or for a surprise flank onto enemies in mid.
Gatecrash - A Lobby - A Pyramids
Position Gatecrash at A pyramids from A lobby. This is a strong play for a quick backstab, or for repositioning during a fight at the A site.
Yoru's ultimate Breeze lineups
If you want to learn more about Yoru's Breeze lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.