The Best Yoru lineups on Bind in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Yoru Bind lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Yoru Bind lineups and play like a pro!
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Beat your enemies on Bind with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Yoru's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Yoru lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Yoru's top-rated lineups for Bind in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Gatecrash - A Lobby - A Site
From the A Lobby, position yourself to launch your Gatecrash ability onto A Site. This allows you to quickly teleport onto the site during a push, providing a surprise element for the defenders.
Gatecrash - A Lamps - Attacker Spawn
This lineup helps to create a safe escape route. By launching your Gatecrash from A Lamps towards the Attacker Spawn, you can rapidly disengage from a fight if it becomes necessary.
Gatecrash - A Bath - Attacker Spawn
This lineup offers a fallback point during an attack on A Site. From A Bath, direct your Gatecrash back to the Attacker Spawn, allowing for quick withdrawal when needed.
Blindside - A Lamps - A Site
From within A Lamps, aim your Blindside flash towards A Site. This blinds defenders on the site, creating opportunities for your team to make an offensive push.
Gatecrash - A Tower - B Elbow
By sending your Gatecrash from A Tower to B Elbow, you create a quick rotation path. It allows you to quickly shift your presence between the two sites, adding unpredictability to your movements.
Gatecrash - B Hall - A Tower
With this lineup, set up your Gatecrash to go from B Hall to A Tower. It provides a quick way to rotate from B site to A site when needed, aiding in map control.
Gatecrash - B Long - B Site
From B Long, launch your Gatecrash onto B Site. This setup offers a sudden and surprising entry point during B site attacks, potentially catching defenders off guard.
Gatecrash - A Lobby - A Lamps
Initiate your Gatecrash from A Lobby to A Lamps. This allows for a quick and safe entry into A Lamps, a key area in controlling A site.
Gatecrash - B Long - B Site
Using this lineup again, send your Gatecrash from B Long directly onto B Site. It provides another rapid insertion point for attacks, disorienting defenders and maintaining pressure on the site.
Blindside - A Bath - A Bath
By using your Blindside within A Bath, you can blind any defenders who are peeking into A Bath from A Site or A Short, allowing for safer movement or set-up of an attack.
Yoru's ultimate Bind lineups
If you want to learn more about Yoru's Bind lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.