
The Best Viper lineups on Lotus in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Viper Lotus lineups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Viper Lotus lineups and play like a pro!

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Beat your enemies on Lotus with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Viper's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Viper's lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Viper's top-rated lineups for Lotus in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

This lineup involves using Viper's Snake Bite ability to throw a projectile that lands in a specific spot on the ground, creating a pool of damaging acid. By aiming at the root of a particular object on the A site, you can deny enemies from planting the spike or force them out of their positions.

Snake Bite - A Rubble - A Site

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - A Rubble - A Site

By targeting a specific rubble or debris on the A site with Snake Bite, Viper can create a damaging zone that discourages enemies from entering or holding positions in that area, providing control and area denial for the defending team.

Poison Cloud - A Rubble - A Top

viper lotus lineup - Poison Cloud - A Rubble - A Top

Using Viper's Poison Cloud ability, this lineup involves placing the toxic gas emitter on top of a specific rubble or structure on the A site. This creates a smokescreen-like effect that limits the enemy's vision and forces them to either push through the gas or find alternative routes.

Snake Bite - A Root - A Hut

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - A Root - A Hut

In this lineup, Viper's Snake Bite is thrown at the root of a hut structure on the A site. The acid pool created by the ability can be used to damage or zone out enemies who are playing inside or around the hut area, making it difficult for them to hold their positions effectively.

Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

Similar to the first lineup, this one involves throwing a Snake Bite projectile at the root of an object on the A site. The acid pool generated by the ability denies enemy planting or forces them to move, giving the defending team an advantage.

Snake Bite - A Rubble - A Site

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - A Rubble - A Site

By targeting a specific rubble or object on the A site, Viper can use Snake Bite to create a damaging zone that deters enemies from entering or holding positions in that particular area. This lineup allows for effective control and area denial on the A site.

Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

This lineup focuses on throwing Snake Bite at the root of an object on the A site, creating a hazardous zone that limits enemy movement and denies them access to certain areas of the site, giving Viper and her team an advantage in defending the site.

Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - A Root - A Site

Similar to the previous lineups, this one utilizes Snake Bite to create a damaging pool of acid at the root of an object on the A site. The acid zone effectively denies enemy planting or forces them to reposition, making it easier for Viper's team to defend the site.

Snake Bite - B Pillars - B Site

viper lotus lineup - Snake Bite - B Pillars - B Site

This lineup involves using Snake Bite to throw a projectile at the pillars on the B site. The resulting acid pool acts as a deterrent, forcing enemies away from the B site or damaging them if they choose to stay, making it easier for the defending team to hold the site.

Poison Cloud - B Pillars - B Site

Viper lotus lineup - Poison Cloud - B Pillars - B Site

By placing Viper's Poison Cloud emitter on the pillars of the B site, this lineup creates a toxic gas area that limits enemy vision and discourages them from pushing onto the B site. The smokescreen effect provides cover for Viper and her team, making it difficult for the enemy to execute their strategies effectively.

Viper's ultimate Lotus lineups

If you want to learn more about Viper's Lotus lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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