
The Best Sova lineups on Fracture in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Sova Fracture lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Sova Fracture lineups and play like a pro!

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Sova fracture lineups - valorant mapping tool

Beat your enemies on Fracture with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Sova's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Sova lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Sova's top-rated lineups for Fracture in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - B Main

sova fracture lineup - Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - B Main

This lineup allows Sova to scout B Main from the attacker spawn. It's used to provide early information about the defender's setup on B site, without having to expose any team members.

Recon Bolt - B Link - B Tree

sova fracture lineup - Recon Bolt - B Link - B Tree

The lineup from B Link to B Tree helps in revealing any defenders who might be hiding in B Tree. It's a great setup to clear out any threats before your team pushes onto B Site from B Link.

Recon Bolt - Attacker Bridge - A Site

sova fracture lineup - Recon Bolt - Attacker Bridge - A Site

This lineup from the attacker's bridge to A Site can be used to scout the A Site for defenders. This allows the attacking team to know enemy positions before they make their push, reducing the risk of surprises.

Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - A Rope

sova fracture lineup - Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - A Rope

With this lineup, Sova can reveal anyone lurking near A Rope from the safety of attacker spawn. This can be particularly useful during the early part of the round to determine if any defenders are attempting an aggressive push.

Recon Bolt - B Tower - B Bench

sova fracture lineup - Recon Bolt - B Tower - B Bench

This lineup from B Tower to B Bench is intended to spot defenders holding angles from B Bench. This can help your team to clear the site or decide the best strategy to take B site.

Shock Bolt - B Arcade - B Canteen

sova fracture lineup -Shock Bolt - B Arcade - B Canteen

This shock bolt lineup from B Arcade to B Canteen can be used to deal damage to opponents hiding in B Canteen. It can be useful in post-plant situations or when defenders are known to be in that area.

Shock Bolt - B Tree - B Site

sova fracture lineup - Shock Bolt - B Tree - B Site

By using this lineup, Sova can apply pressure or even eliminate defenders on B Site from B Tree. It's effective in denying defenders' defuse attempts or clearing common hiding spots.

Shock Bolt - B Arcade - B Site

sova fracture lineup - Shock Bolt - B Arcade - B Site

This lineup from B Arcade to B Site can be used to apply pressure on defenders hiding on the site. It's a good way to deny defusal attempts or to clear out common defender positions before a push.

Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - A Site

sova fracture lineup - Recon Bolt - Attacker Spawn - A Site

The lineup from attacker spawn to A Site provides early information on defenders' setups on A Site. It's a useful strategy to decide whether to commit to A Site or rotate to B.

Recon Bolt - B Tree - B Site

sova fracture lineup - Recon Bolt - B Tree - B Site

The lineup from B Tree to B Site can reveal the defenders' positions on the site. It's beneficial in determining whether the site is clear or planning the best approach to take control of B Site.

Sova's ultimate Fracture lineups

If you want to learn more about Sova's Fracture lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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