
The Best Sage lineups on Haven in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Sage Haven lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Sage Haven lineups and play like a pro!

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Sage Haven Lineups - Valorant mapping tool

Beat your enemies on Haven with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Sage's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Sage lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Sage's top-rated lineups for Haven in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Slow Orb - A Long - A Site

haven sage lineup - Slow Orb - A Long - A Site

Stand near the entrance of A Long and aim the crosshair towards A Site, then deploy the Slow Orb. This tactic hinders any fast rushes by the enemies to A Site, reducing their mobility and forcing them to alter their course or wait for the orb to expire.

Slow Orb - Mid Courtyard - A Site

haven sage lineup  -Slow Orb - Mid Courtyard - A Site

From the Mid Courtyard, aim your crosshair at A Site and release the Slow Orb. This helps to slow any enemy movements from A Site, disrupting their setup and providing your team with an opportunity to gain an advantage.

Slow Orb - Mid Courtyard - A Site

haven sage lineup - Slow Orb - Mid Courtyard - A Site

From Mid Courtyard, throw a Slow Orb towards A Site. This tactic is effective in hampering enemies' rotations from A Site and creates a window of opportunity for your team.

Slow Orb - Attacker Spawn - B Site

haven sage lineup - Slow Orb - Attacker Spawn - B Site

Standing in the Attacker Spawn, aim and launch the Slow Orb towards B Site. This delays any quick pushes from the enemies to the B Site and can force a change in strategy or a delay in execution.

Barrier Orb - A Site - A Tower

haven sage lineup - Barrier Orb - A Site - A Tower

Place the Barrier Orb at A Site, in a position that blocks off view from A Tower. This prevents enemy snipers in A Tower from picking off your team as they approach or plant at A Site.

Barrier Orb - A Site - A Site

haven sage lineup - Barrier Orb - A Site - A Site

Put the Barrier Orb at A Site in a strategic position that denies the enemies direct entry routes. This compels the enemies to either break down the barrier or find alternative routes, buying your team crucial seconds.

Barrier Orb - A Site - A Site

sage haven lineup - Barrier Orb - A Site - A Site

Erect the Barrier Orb on A Site, effectively blocking common entry points. This forces enemies to spend time breaking it or rerouting, granting your team more control of the area.

Barrier Orb - A Site - A Site

sage haven lineup - Barrier Orb - A Site - A Site

Install the Barrier Orb at A Site to block off direct enemy pathways. This creates a physical obstruction that slows down enemy progress or forces them to change tactics.

Barrier Orb - B Site - B Site

sage haven lineup - Barrier Orb - B Site - B Site

Position the Barrier Orb at B Site to obstruct the common routes of ingress. This either slows down the enemy's assault or makes them reconsider their strategy, giving your team an advantage.

Barrier Orb - B Site - B Site

sage haven lineup -Barrier Orb - B Site - B Site

Deploy the Barrier Orb on B Site, blocking direct entry paths. This hampers the enemy's attack, forcing them to either destroy the barrier or change their plan of attack.

Sage's ultimate Haven lineups

If you want to learn more about Sage's Haven lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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