
The Best Sage lineups on Ascent in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Sage Ascent lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Sage Ascent lineups and play like a pro!

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Sage Ascent lineups - Valorant strategy tool

Beat your enemies on Ascent with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Sage's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Sage lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Sage's top-rated lineups for Ascent in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Slow Orb - A Lobby - A Generator

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - A Lobby - A Generator

For this lineup, Sage stands in the A Lobby area and aims her Slow Orb ability towards the A Generator. This will slow down any enemies who are attempting to plant or defuse the spike near the A Generator.

Slow Orb - A Garden - A Wine

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - A Garden - A Wine

In this lineup, Sage is positioned in the A Garden area and targets her Slow Orb at the A Wine spot. This will hinder the movement of any opponents hiding in the wine area, potentially forcing them out of their position.

Slow Orb - Defender Spawn - A Site

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - Defender Spawn - A Site

Here, Sage uses her Slow Orb ability from the Defender Spawn area, aiming towards the A Site. This can delay an enemy push or stall a post-plant scenario, giving the defending team more time to respond.

Slow Orb - Mid Top - A Generator

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - Mid Top - A Generator

For this lineup, Sage is placed at the Mid Top and aims her Slow Orb towards the A Generator. This lineup helps to stall or slow down opponents who might be trying to gain control of the A Site from the generator side.

Slow Orb - A Wine - A Site

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - A Wine - A Site

In this lineup, Sage situates herself in the A Wine area and casts her Slow Orb towards the A Site. This can delay enemies' push onto the A Site, giving her team some extra time to rotate or respond.

Slow Orb - Mid Top - A Generator

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - Mid Top - A Generator

Same as lineup 4, Sage uses her Slow Orb from the Mid Top position aiming towards the A Generator. It's particularly useful for slowing down enemies' control of the A Site from the generator side.

Slow Orb - A Lobby - A Site

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - A Lobby - A Site

In this lineup, Sage is in the A Lobby area and targets her Slow Orb ability towards the A Site. This can disrupt enemy plans of rushing or securing the site, buying Sage's team some crucial seconds to reposition or initiate a counter-attack.

Slow Orb - A Lobby - A Site

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - A Lobby - A Site

Identical to lineup 7, Sage deploys her Slow Orb from the A Lobby towards the A Site. It's primarily used to disrupt enemy pushes onto the site and gain extra time for team's strategy.

Slow Orb - Defender Spawn - A Site

sage ascent lineup - Slow Orb - Defender Spawn - A Site

Similar to lineup 3, Sage uses her Slow Orb from the Defender Spawn area, aiming towards the A Site. It's a strategic play to delay an enemy push or slow down a post-plant scenario.

Sage's ultimate Ascent lineups

If you want to learn more about Sage's Ascent lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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