
The Best Raze lineups on Ascent in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Raze Ascent setups and lineups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Raze Ascent lineups and play like a pro!

Access all Raze Ascent lineups and start ranking up!

raze ascent lineups

Beat your enemies on Ascent with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Raze's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Raze lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Raze's top-rated lineups for Ascent in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Paint Shells - A Main - A Generator

raze ascent lineup - Paint Shells - A Main - A Generator

From the location of A Main, you can use your Paint Shells ability and throw it towards the A Generator area. This can potentially force out opponents from that cover and inflict significant damage.

Paint Shells - A Main - A Site

raze ascent lineup - Paint Shells - A Main - A Site

Station yourself at A Main and deploy Paint Shells into the A Site. This can clear out opponents on the site or compel them to reposition to avoid the incoming damage.

Paint Shells - A Main - A Generator

raze ascent lineup - Paint Shells - A Main - A Generator

If you are in A Main, hurl your Paint Shells at the A Generator spot. This lineup is great to unseat any enemies huddled at the generator.

Paint Shells - B Main - B Site

raze ascent lineup -Paint Shells - B Main - B Site

While positioned in B Main, launch your Paint Shells towards B Site. This technique is effective for driving enemies out of cover on the site.

Paint Shells - B Main - Mid Market

raze ascent lineup - Paint Shells - B Main - Mid Market

When you are at B Main, aim your Paint Shells at Mid Market. This approach can disrupt any enemy presence in Mid Market or prevent them from rotating through this area.

Paint Shells - B Main - Logs

raze ascent lineup - Paint Shells - B Main - Logs

As you stand in B Main, propel your Paint Shells towards the Logs area. This is effective in surprising enemies using Logs as a strategic cover.

Paint Shells - B Main - B Site

raze ascent lineup - Paint Shells - B Main - B Site

From B Main, you can launch your Paint Shells towards B Site again. This is particularly useful in repeated assaults or in cases where the enemies might have retaken their positions after the first attack.

Paint Shells - B Main - B Site

raze ascent lineup - Paint Shells - B Main - B Site

Stationed at B Main, throw your Paint Shells towards B Site once more. This can cause further chaos in the enemy ranks and potentially take out opponents who returned to their spots after the initial attack.

Paint Shells - Defender Spawn - B Site

razer ascent lineup - Paint Shells - Defender Spawn - B Site

From your position in the Defender Spawn, aim and toss your Paint Shells towards B Site. This can effectively disrupt any enemy setup on the B Site, making it easier for your team to retake it.

Raze's ultimate Ascent lineups

If you want to learn more about Raze's Ascent lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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