
The Best Omen lineups on Bind in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Omen Bind lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Omen Lotus lineups and play like a pro!

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Omen bind lineups

Beat your enemies on Bind with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Omen's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Omen lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Omen's top-rated lineups for Bind in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Dark Cover - A Site - A Short

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - A Site - A Short

For this lineup, position yourself at A site, and aim your Dark Cover ability towards A Short. This blocks vision and provides cover for any pushes or retakes through that corridor.

Dark Cover - A Site - A Lamps

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - A Site - A Lamps

From A site, aim the Dark Cover ability towards the A Lamps (also known as U-Hall). This obscures vision from this area, making it difficult for enemies to pick off your team or control that section.

Dark Cover - A Lamps - A Lamps

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - A Lamps - A Lamps

Stand within A Lamps, then cast your Dark Cover into the same area. This is useful for creating a temporary barrier if you're under threat or need to stall an enemy's push.

Dark Cover - A Site - A Bath

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - A Site - A Bath

Position yourself on A Site, and aim the Dark Cover towards the entrance of A Bath (also known as Showers). This prevents enemies in Bath from seeing onto the site, allowing for safer plays.

Dark Cover - A Short - A Tower

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - A Short - A Tower

From A Short, target your Dark Cover towards A Tower (Heaven). This can block vision from the elevated angle, forcing opponents to change position or retake site without the height advantage.

Dark Cover - A Site - Back Site

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - A Site - Back Site

From A Site, aim your Dark Cover to the back of the same site. This lineup blocks the line of sight from the back, potentially covering a defuse or plant.

Dark Cover - A Site - A Vent

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - A Site - A Vent

Deploy your Dark Cover from A site towards the A Vent. This can restrict vision and movement from anyone trying to push from Vents onto site.

Dark Cover - B Site - B Window

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - B Site - B Window

Position yourself on B Site and aim the Dark Cover towards B Window (also known as Hookah). This blocks enemy vision from that area, providing cover and potentially allowing safe site entry or exit.

Dark Cover - B Site - B Long

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - B Site - B Long

From B site, direct the Dark Cover ability down B Long. This denies sight lines from this angle, preventing snipes and aiding your team's movements on site.

Dark Cover - B Site - B Garden

omen bind lineup - Dark Cover - B Site - B Garden

While standing on B site, cast your Dark Cover into B Garden. This obscures vision from this flank point, assisting your team's security during plant or post-plant situations.

Omen's ultimate Bind lineups

If you want to learn more about Omen's Bind lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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