The Best Omen lineups on Ascent in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Omen Ascent lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Omen Lotus lineups and play like a pro!
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Beat your enemies on Ascent with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Omen's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Omen lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Omen's top-rated lineups for Ascent in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Dark cover - B site - B main
This is a smoke setup where Omen, positioned at B site, uses Dark Cover to block vision from B main, limiting the sightlines of the enemies pushing from there.
Dark cover - A wine - A site
From the A wine position, Omen can use Dark Cover to obscure vision in A site, creating an opportunity for allies to make a safer approach or reposition.
Dark cover - A main - A main
In this lineup, Omen casts Dark Cover from A main to another part of A main. This could be useful to isolate angles or prevent an enemy's push while your team secures the site.
Dark cover - A wine - A site
Repeated from the earlier callout, this involves using Dark Cover from the A wine location to obstruct visibility on A site, facilitating a safer team approach.
Dark cover - A site - A wine
From a position on A site, Omen can place a Dark Cover into the A wine area, reducing visibility for enemies potentially hiding there or attempting to flank.
Dark cover - A main - A rafters
From A main, Omen can use Dark Cover to block sightlines from A rafters. This can make it safer for your team to push into the site from A main.
Dark cover - B main - Mid market
This smoke setup involves Omen, from B main, obscuring vision towards mid market with Dark Cover, limiting the enemies' ability to counter an advance through this pathway.
Dark cover - B site - B site
In this strategy, Omen uses Dark Cover within different parts of B site. This can help create confusion or obscure specific sightlines during a site defense or retake.
Dark cover - A window - A garden
Omen can use his Dark Cover ability from A window to obstruct vision into A garden, enabling safer rotations or hindering enemies' advance through garden.
Dark cover - Mid market - Mid market
This tactic involves Omen using Dark Cover within different parts of mid market. This can be useful to create confusion, block enemy sightlines, or facilitate safer movement in this area.
Omen's ultimate Ascent lineups
If you want to learn more about Omen's Ascent lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.