The Best Neon lineups on Haven in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Neon Haven lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Neon Haven lineups and play like a pro!
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Beat your enemies on Haven with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Neon's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Neon lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Neon's top-rated lineups for Haven in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Relay Bolt - A Site - A Towers
In this lineup, Neon uses her Relay Bolt ability from A Site and aims it towards A Towers. This allows her to reveal enemy positions at A Towers while providing her team with valuable information.
Fast Lane - A Site - A Site
For this setup, Neon employs her Fast Lane ability on the A Site itself. This can be used to quickly traverse the site, evade enemy fire, or possibly rush and surprise enemies.
Relay Bolt - A Site - A Towers
In this repetition, Neon is again using her Relay Bolt from A Site towards A Towers. The objective remains to expose any enemies that might be lurking in the A Towers area.
Relay Bolt - A Sewer - A Site
Neon uses her Relay Bolt ability from the A Sewer, aiming it towards A Site. This can be used to scout for enemy presence on A Site before her team attempts to secure or retake the site.
Relay Bolt - A Sewer - A Site
This is a repetition of the previous strategy. Neon uses Relay Bolt from A Sewer, targeting A Site, providing a clear picture of enemy locations on the site before making a move.
Fast Lane - A Sewer - A Site
Neon utilizes her Fast Lane ability from the A Sewer towards A Site. This strategy is great for a rapid rotation or to quickly engage enemies on A Site.
Relay Bolt - A Site - A Site
In this situation, Neon uses her Relay Bolt on A Site itself. This can help detect enemies trying to infiltrate or hold positions on the site, providing an informational edge to her team.
Fast Lane - A Site - A Site
A repeat of the previous Fast Lane strategy, Neon uses her Fast Lane ability on the A Site itself. This can provide her with a fast movement advantage within the site boundaries.
Relay Bolt - A Site - A Site
This is a repeat of the Relay Bolt strategy on A Site. It's all about gaining a knowledge advantage by detecting the enemy's presence on the site.
Relay Bolt - A Link - B Site
For this tactic, Neon fires her Relay Bolt from A Link towards B Site. This can provide information on enemy positions at B Site, allowing her team to make informed decisions about rotations or site takeovers.
Neon's ultimate Haven lineups
If you want to learn more about Neon's Haven lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.