The Best Killjoy setups and lineups on Breeze in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Killjoy Breeze lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Killjoy Breeze lineups and play like a pro!
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Beat your enemies on Breeze with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Killjoy's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Killjoy lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Killjoy's top-rated lineups for Breeze in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
b setup -> b site - b site
This refers to setting up Killjoy's abilities at the B site for defending against the enemy's attack. The Alarmbot can be placed near the entrance while the Nanoswarm grenades are strategically placed to cover the site's main entry points.
nanoswarm - b main - b site
This is a lineup for throwing a Nanoswarm grenade from the B main entrance to the B site. This can provide damage to opponents attempting to plant the spike or deter enemies from entering the site.
nanoswarm - defender spawn - b site
This lineup involves throwing a Nanoswarm grenade from the defender spawn area to the B site. This could be used as a preventive measure when the opponents have already planted the spike at the B site.
nanoswarm - mid pillar - b site
This lineup entails using the middle pillar to line up and throw a Nanoswarm grenade onto the B site. This can be useful for disrupting opponents' plans or securing the area for the spike's defuse.
nanoswarm - mid cannon - b site
This refers to throwing a Nanoswarm grenade from the middle cannon position onto the B site. This can be a strategic move to eliminate or damage the enemies hiding or planting the spike at the B site.
lockdown - b wall - b wall
This lineup suggests activating Killjoy's Lockdown ability against the B wall. It can be an effective measure to detain all enemies within its radius, giving the team an opportunity to retake control of the B site.
nanoswarm - mid chute - a pyramids
This lineup refers to throwing a Nanoswarm grenade from the middle chute towards the A Pyramids. This can disrupt enemies' positioning or provide cover when approaching the A site.
lockdown - b site - b site
This suggests activating Killjoy's Lockdown ability directly on the B site. This will detain enemies within its range, potentially halting their attack or providing an opportunity for a site retake.
lockdown - a pyramids - a pyramids
This refers to placing the Lockdown device near the A pyramids. It can clear out the A site by detaining any enemies within its range, facilitating a site retake or halting a planned enemy attack.
nanoswarm - a lobby - a pyramids
This lineup is about launching a Nanoswarm grenade from the A lobby towards the A Pyramids. This can disrupt enemy positioning on the A site or provide cover during an assault or retake.
Killjoy's ultimate Breeze lineups
If you want to learn more about Killjoy's Breeze lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.