
The Best Kayo lineups on Icebox in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Kayo Icebox lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Kayo Icebox lineups and play like a pro!

Access all Kayo Icebox lineups and start ranking up!

kayo icebox lineups and setups

Beat your enemies on Icebox with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Kayo's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Kayo lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Kayo's top-rated lineups for Icebox in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Frag - B Green - B Site

kayo icebox lineup - Frag - B Green - B Site

From the B green position on Icebox, you can use Kayo's Frag grenade ability to damage and push enemies away from the B site, preventing a plant or retake.

Frag - Attacker Spawn - A Site

kayo icebox lineup - Frag - Attacker Spawn - A Site

This lineup refers to launching a Frag grenade from the attacker spawn towards the A site. It can be used to clear any defenders from common hiding spots on the site, making it safer for your team to approach and take control.

Frag - Yellow Box - B Site

kayo icebox lineup - Frag - Yellow Box - B Site

Use Kayo's Frag from the yellow box position to clear B site. It is particularly useful in flushing out defenders from their positions on the site or delaying a defuse.

Zero - A Belt - B Site

kayo icebox lineup - Zero - A Belt - B Site

This implies using Kayo's Zero ability from the A belt position to suppress enemies on B site. This prevents enemies from using their abilities, helping your team take or retake control.

Zero - A Screen - B Yellow

kayo icebox lineup - Zero - A Screen - B Yellow

From the A screen position, use Kayo's Zero to suppress enemies around the B yellow area, restricting them from using abilities and forcing them to reposition or fight.

Frag - B Backsite - B Site

kayo icebox lineup - Frag - B Backsite - B Site

From the B backsite position, throw a Frag to clear out enemies from B site. This can help disrupt the defenders or defusers, and give your team an advantage.

Frag - A Screen - A Site

kayo icebox lineup - Frag - A Screen - A Site

This lineup indicates using a Frag from the A screen to clear enemies from the A site, which can be particularly helpful when initiating a push or preventing a plant.

Frag - B Green - B Yellow

kayo icebox lineup - Frag - B Green - B Yellow

From B green, throw a Frag towards B yellow to eliminate or move enemies from their hiding spots, which can support your team's assault or defense on B site.

Frag - Mid Boiler - B Site

Kayo icebox lineup - Frag - Mid Boiler - B Site

Throw a Frag from the mid boiler towards the B site to disrupt defenders, clearing out or causing damage to enemies hiding on B site.

Frag - A Nest - A Site

Kayo icebox lineup - Frag - A Nest - A Site

From the A nest position, use Kayo's Frag to damage and potentially eliminate any defenders on the A site, making it safer for your team to take control.

Kayo's ultimate Icebox lineups

If you want to learn more about Kayo's Icebox lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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