The Best Kayo lineups on Haven in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Kayo Haven lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Kayo Haven lineups and play like a pro!
Access all Kayo Haven lineups and start ranking up!
Beat your enemies on Haven with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Kayo's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Kayo lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Kayo's top-rated lineups for Haven in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Frag - A Long - A Site
From A Long, Kayo can utilize his FRAG/ment ability, aiming towards A Site to deal damage to opponents that might be on the site, particularly near the A-Short and A-Heaven areas.
Frag - A Long - A Tower
In this lineup, Kayo deploys his FRAG/ment from A Long towards A Tower (also known as Heaven), damaging enemies who may be holding angles from this higher vantage point.
Zero - Garden - A Site
Kayo can use his ZERO/point suppression blade from Garden towards A Site, revealing and disabling enemy abilities within its radius, which can help your team take the site more easily.
Frag - A Link - A Site
By throwing FRAG/ment from A Link towards A Site, Kayo can potentially eliminate enemies on the site, making it easier for your team to secure or retake A site.
Flash - A Long - A Site
By using his FLASH/drive from A Long towards A Site, Kayo can blind enemies on the site, creating an opening for your team to push onto the site.
Frag - C Long - C Site
Kayo throws his FRAG/ment from C Long towards C Site, inflicting damage on enemies who may be on or around the site, particularly near the default plant or back of the site.
Zero - Garden - A Site
This is a repeat from above. Kayo can deploy his ZERO/point ability from Garden towards A Site, suppressing enemies' abilities and revealing their location in the process.
Zero - A Site - C Long
By aiming ZERO/point from A Site towards C Long, Kayo can suppress and reveal enemies' location along this common path, providing valuable information and disrupting enemy's plans.
Zero - C Link - C Long
By deploying his ZERO/point from C Link to C Long, Kayo can reveal and disable any enemies' abilities that are hiding or moving along this path.
Frag - C Long - C Site
This is a repeat from above. By using his FRAG/ment ability from C Long towards C Site, Kayo can disrupt opponents on the site, making it easier for your team to take control or retake the site.
Kayo's ultimate Haven lineups
If you want to learn more about Kayo's Haven lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.