The Best Kayo lineups on Breeze in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Kayo Breeze lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Kayo Breeze lineups and play like a pro!
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Beat your enemies on Breeze with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Kayo's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Kayo lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Kayo's top-rated lineups for Breeze in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Zero - Mid Cannon - B Site
This lineup involves using Kayo's "Zero/Point" ability from the mid cannon location aiming towards the B site. The ability, when activated, suppresses enemy abilities within its range, disrupting their plans.
Frag - Attacker Side Snake - B Site
This setup indicates deploying Kayo's "Frag/ment" explosive from the attacker side snake position towards the B site. The frag grenade deals damage to any enemies within its radius, making it excellent for weakening the site's defenses before a push.
Frag - A Lobby - A Pyramid
In this lineup, you'll use Kayo's "Frag/ment" ability from the A lobby aiming towards the A pyramid. This can force enemies out of hiding from the pyramid or deal damage if they fail to evacuate the area in time.
Zero - Mid Cannon - A Pyramid
This involves using Kayo's "Zero/Point" ability from the mid cannon location aiming towards the A pyramid. It can suppress enemy abilities, hindering their potential counter-attacks or defensive setups.
Zero - Arches - Mid Cannon
In this setup, you'll use Kayo's "Zero/Point" ability from the arches, targeting the mid cannon. This can be used to hinder enemy movements or deny them the use of their abilities as they navigate the mid cannon area.
Zero - A Lobby - Metal Doors
This lineup requires deploying Kayo's "Zero/Point" ability from the A lobby aiming towards the metal doors. It's great for suppressing any opponents hiding behind the doors or attempting to move through them.
Frag - Arches - B Site
For this setup, deploy Kayo's "Frag/ment" ability from the arches aiming towards the B site. It's effective at forcing enemies out of their positions or damaging them in preparation for a site take.
Zero - Mid-Wood Doors - Arches
In this lineup, you'll use Kayo's "Zero/Point" from the mid-wood doors aiming towards the arches. This can disrupt opponents planning to use abilities from, or passing through, the arches.
Zero - A Lobby - B Site
Deploy Kayo's "Zero/Point" ability from the A lobby aiming towards the B site. It can be a useful tool for suppressing abilities of any defenders stationed on B site, paving the way for an easier site take.
Kayo's ultimate Breeze lineups
If you want to learn more about Kayo's Breeze lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.