
The Best Kayo lineups on Bind in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Kayo Bind lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Kayo Bind lineups and play like a pro!

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Kayo bind lineups & setups

Beat your enemies on Bind with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Kayo's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Kayo lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Kayo's top-rated lineups for Bind in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Frag - Arches - Truck

kayo bind lineup - Frag - Arches - Truck

In this lineup, you're using Kayo's Frag grenade from Arches to target opponents hiding around the Truck on A site. This can help push out enemies and take control of the site more easily.

Frag - A Exit - A Tower

kayo bind lineup - Frag - A Exit - A Tower

This lineup uses the Frag grenade thrown from the A Exit to reach A Tower, also known as Heaven. This is typically useful for clearing out enemies who may be using the elevated position for sniping or spotting.

Frag - B Long - B Site

kayo bind lineup - Frag - B Long - B Site

This lineup is for a Frag grenade from B Long to B Site. This can flush out enemies camping on B Site, preparing your team for a push or plant.

Frag - A Exit - A Site

kayo bind lineup - Frag - A Exit - A Site

This involves a Frag grenade toss from A Exit towards A Site. This can dislodge enemies holding the site, and force them into the open.

Frag - Arches - Truck

kayo bind lineup - Frag - Arches - Truck

This is a repeat of the first lineup. It's again using Kayo's Frag grenade from Arches to displace opponents around the Truck on A site.

Frag - B Short - Elbow

kayo bind lineup - Frag - B Short - Elbow

This lineup allows Kayo to throw a Frag grenade from B Short into Elbow. This can force out enemies hiding in Elbow, disrupting their defensive line and potentially granting your team control of B Site.

Frag - A Short - A Teleporter

kayo bind lineup  -Frag - A Short - A Teleporter

This lineup involves throwing a Frag grenade from A Short to A Teleporter, deterring or damaging enemies potentially waiting to flank your team from there.

Zero - B Site - B Short

kayo bind lineup - Zero - B Site - B Short

This lineup utilizes Kayo's Zero ability (his suppression blade) from B Site towards B Short. This can suppress enemies' abilities, providing a safe passage or entry into B Site.

Zero - Fountain - B Site

kayo bind lineup - Zero - Fountain - B Site

This refers to using the Zero ability from the Fountain area to suppress enemies on B Site. This can disable their abilities, making an attack on B Site more manageable.

Zero - Arches - A Tower

kayo bind lineup - Zero - Arches - A Tower

This involves Kayo using his Zero ability from Arches towards A Tower. This suppresses enemy abilities in that elevated position, reducing their defensive power and providing your team an opportunity for a safer site takeover.

Kayo's ultimate Bind lineups

If you want to learn more about Kayo's Bind lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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