The Best Harbor lineups on Breeze in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Harbor Breeze lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Harbor Breeze lineups and play like a pro!
Access all Harbor Breeze lineups and start ranking up!
Beat your enemies on Breeze with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Harbor's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Harbor lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Harbor's top-rated lineups for Breeze in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Cove - A lobby - A Pyramids
This lineup implies using Harbor's Cove ability from the A Lobby towards A Pyramids. It's likely used for initiating a push onto A site or for delaying defenders during a post-plant situation.
Cove - B Site - B Site
This lineup implies using Cove from a specific position on B Site to another part on B Site. It might be used to block off a common angle or create a safe path for the team.
Cove - Attacker Side Snake - B Site
From Attacker Side Snake, this lineup might be used to reach B site, potentially to obstruct view, provide cover for a plant, or delay a defuse attempt.
Cove - A Lobby - A Pyramids
This is the same as the first lineup, involving a Cove ability throw from A lobby to A Pyramids to aid in site capture or hold.
Cove - B Cannon - B Site
From B Cannon, this lineup might be used to obstruct or control certain parts of B Site. This can be a great initial move in an offensive strategy for B Site.
Cove - Mid Wood Doors - Mid Wood Doors
This lineup seems to be focused on using the Cove ability to create strategic cover or a diversion in the middle map area around the wooden doors.
Cove - B Site - B Main
This implies using the Cove ability from B Site to B Main, potentially to block off a common rotation or entry point for defenders during a post-plant situation.
Cove - Mid Wood Doors - Mid Wood Doors
This is a repeat of the sixth lineup, likely used for the same reasons - creating strategic cover or a diversion in the middle map area.
Cove - Mid Wood Doors - Mid Wood Doors
This again is a repeat of the sixth and eighth lineups, once more used for creating strategic cover or a diversion in the middle map area.
Cove - A Pyramids - A Cave
This suggests a Cove throw from A Pyramids to A Cave, which could be used to obstruct a common entry/exit point or to stall opponents during a post-plant situation.
Harbor's ultimate Breeze lineups
If you want to learn more about Harbor's Breeze lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.