
The Best Cypher setups and lineups on Ascent in 2023 - the ultimate guide!

These are the best Cypher Ascent setups and lineups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Cypher Ascent lineups and play like a pro!

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Cypher Ascent setups - Valorant strategy tool

Beat your enemies on Ascent with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Cypher's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Cypher lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Cypher's top-rated lineups for Ascent in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!

Cyber Cage - A Greenbox - A Main

cypher ascent lineup - Cyber Cage - A Greenbox - A Main

Cypher places a Cyber Cage at the Greenbox in A site, obstructing vision and providing cover for teammates entering A Main.

Trapwire - A Main - A Main

cypher ascent lineup - Trapwire - A Main - A Main

Cypher sets up a Trapwire across A Main to catch enemies trying to push or rotate through that area, providing valuable information and slowing down their progress.

Trapwire - Door - Door

cypher ascent lineup - Trapwire - Door - Door

Cypher deploys a Trapwire between the doors on Ascent, creating a tripwire that activates when an enemy passes through, notifying Cypher and the team about their presence.

Trapwire - A Site - A Main

cypher ascent lineup - Trapwire - A Site - A Main

Cypher places a Trapwire from A site to A Main, creating a defensive line that can detect enemies crossing into A site or attempting to flank through A Main.

Trapwire - A Default - Door

cypher ascent lineup - Trapwire - A Default - Door

Cypher sets up a Trapwire from the default plant position in A site to the door, catching enemies trying to defuse the spike or enter A site through the door.

Spycam - A Rafters - Bricks

cypher ascent lineup - Spycam - A Rafters - Bricks

Cypher deploys a Spycam in the rafters of A site, providing a surveillance point that overlooks the Bricks area, allowing Cypher and the team to gather information on enemy movement.

Spycam - Generator - Bricks

cypher ascent lineup - Spycam - Generator - Bricks

Cypher places a Spycam near the Generator area, providing vision of the Bricks section and potentially spotting enemies trying to approach or execute strategies.

Trapwire - Workshop - B Lane

cypher ascent lineup - Trapwire - Workshop - B Lane

Cypher utilizes a Trapwire in the Workshop area to B lane, alerting the team if enemies try to flank or push through that route.

Trapwire - B Lane

cypher ascent lineup - Trapwire - B Lane

Cypher sets up a Trapwire along the B lane, notifying the team if enemies try to push or rotate through that pathway, and potentially slowing down their progress.

Trapwire - B Lane - B Main

Cypher ascent lineup - Trapwire - B Lane - B Main

Cypher deploys a Trapwire across the B lane, creating a defensive line that can detect enemies crossing into B Main or attempting to flank through the B lane.

Cypher's ultimate Ascent lineups

If you want to learn more about Cypher's Ascent lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.

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