The Best Brimstone lineups on Icebox in 2023 - the ultimate guide!
These are the best Brimstone Icebox lineups and setups that everyone should know in 2023. Learn these Brimstone Icebox lineups and play like a pro!
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Beat your enemies on Icebox with Gazoom's Valorant mapping tool, which gives you access to all Brimstone's lineups. No more guessing - we have all your Brimstone lineups ready to go! Or take a look below on the lineups below and discover Brimstone's top-rated lineups for Icebox in 2023. Either way, you'll be able to enjoy victory after victory!
Incendiary - B Green - B Site
For this lineup, stand at B Green, which is the grassy area near B site. Aim the Incendiary ability at a specific reference point on the B site to effectively deny enemy access or to flush out hidden enemies.
Incendiary - Mid Pallet - B Site
This lineup requires you to position yourself at the Mid Pallet, a raised structure in the middle of the map. By aiming the Incendiary correctly, you can obstruct enemy paths, making it difficult for them to approach or plant on the B site.
Incendiary - B Back - B Site
Stand at the back of B site, near the container. Use the Incendiary ability to throw a grenade that lands in a strategic location, disrupting enemies’ movements and clearing areas where enemies might be hiding.
Incendiary - Mid Pallet - B Site
This lineup requires you to position yourself at the Mid Pallet, a raised structure in the middle of the map. By aiming the Incendiary correctly, you can obstruct enemy paths, making it difficult for them to approach or plant on the B site.
Incendiary - B Green - B Site
For this lineup, stand at B Green, which is the grassy area near B site. Aim the Incendiary ability at a specific reference point on the B site to effectively deny enemy access or to flush out hidden enemies.
Incendiary - B Hut - B Site
This lineup involves positioning at B Hut, a small room overlooking B Site. When correctly aimed, the Incendiary can cover a significant part of B site, hindering the enemy’s advancement or plant attempts.
Incendiary - A Belt - A Site
In this lineup, place yourself at A Belt, an elevated area near the A site. Throw the Incendiary in a particular way to cut off common entry points to the A site, forcing enemies to reroute or wait out the fire.
Incendiary - A Belt - A Site
Stand on A Belt, an elevated area close to the A site and throw the Incendiary in a strategic manner to block the common entry points to the A site. This will compel the enemies to either change their route or stay put until the fire subsides.
Incendiary - A Rafters - A Site
For this lineup, you need to be positioned at the A Rafters, the upper area overlooking A site. Deploy the Incendiary to deny enemies' plant attempts or to clear out potential hiding spots on the A site.
Incendiary - A Screen - A Site
Standing at A Screen, the area with a large video screen near A site, you aim the Incendiary to restrict enemy movement or clear out enemies hiding at popular spots on the A site.
Brimstone's ultimate Icebox lineups
If you want to learn more about Brimstone's Icebox lineups, try out this Valorant lineup tool.