
Kassadin Mid Mastery (Latest Patch) - Riftwalk Your Way to Victory and Climb the Ladder!

With this ultimate Kassadin mid guide (latest patch), you'll be Riftwalking circles around your foes and leaving them in the Void!

Kassadin Summoner Spells:

Kassadin mid summoner spells
  • Flash: Essential for escaping, engaging, and repositioning.
  • Teleport: Great for map presence, returning to lane, and split-pushing.

Kassadin Mid Runes:

Kassadin mid runes

Primary Tree (Domination):

  • Electrocute: Burst damage after landing a combo.
  • Sudden Impact: Bonus penetration after using R.
  • Eyeball Collection: Bonus AP for takedowns.
  • Ultimate Hunter: Reduces R's cooldown.

Secondary Tree (Resolve):

  • Bone Plating: Reduces damage from trades.
  • Overgrowth: Bonus health over time.

Stat Shards:

  • +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
  • +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
  • +6 Armor

Kassadin ultimate Items guide:

Starting Items:

Kassadin starter items
  • Dark Seal & Refillable Potion
Kassadin starter items
  • Alternative: Doran's Shield & Health Potion

First Back:

Kassadin first back
  • Tear of the Goddess & Refillable Potion

Kassadin - Full Build:

  • Sorcerer's Shoes
  • Rod of Ages
  • Seraph's Embrace
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Void Staff

Situational Builds:

Crown Build:

Replace Rod of Ages with Crown of the Shattered Queen.

Crown build - Kassadin

Armor Build:

Include Plated Steelcaps and Frozen Heart.

armor full build

Everfrost Build:

Replace Rod of Ages with Everfrost.

Everfrost build

Kassadin - Ability Skill Order:

Kassadin - ability skill order
  • Q (Null Sphere): 1, 4, 5, 7, 8
  • W (Nether Blade): 2, 8, 10, 12, 13
  • E (Force Pulse): 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
  • R (Riftwalk): 6, 11, 16

Kassadin - General Playstyle & Advice:

Kassadin - Laning Phase:

  • Play safe early on. Kassadin is weak before level 6. Focus on farming and avoid extended trades.

Kassadin - Early Game:

  • Once you get your R, you can start looking for trades and roams. Use your R to dodge skill shots and engage/disengage.

Kassadin - Mid Game:

  • Look for picks and split-push opportunities. With Teleport, you can join team fights quickly.

Kassadin - Late Game:

  • Kassadin shines in the late game. Look for flanks in team fights and try to eliminate the enemy backline.

Team Fights as Kassadin:

  • Use your mobility to dodge threats and reach the enemy backline. Use Zhonya's strategically.

Dragon/Baron as Kassadin:

  • Provide vision and zone out enemies. Your R can be used to steal objectives.

Farming as Kassadin:

  • Use your Q to last-hit minions and your E to clear waves. Remember, Kassadin scales well with items, so farming is crucial.

Kassadin Matchups:

  • Bad Matchup: Akshan. It's advised to either ban or dodge when against him.
  • Good Synergy: Yuumi. She enhances your late-game potential.

This was Kassadin’s ultimate mid guide for patch.

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