League of Legends

In-depth Dangerous AP Zac Guide (latest patch) - The dangerous AP Jelly!

AP Zac Summoner Spells:

- Smite: Essential for jungling, securing objectives, and enhancing jungle items.

- Flash: Provides mobility, escape, and playmaking potential.

AP Zac Runes:

Primary (Resolve):

  - Keystone: Aftershock - Synergizes well with Zac's engage potential.

  - Font of Life: Enhances Zac's crowd control with healing for allies.

  - Conditioning: Boosts Zac's resistances in the mid to late game.

  - Revitalize: Increases healing from Zac's passive blobs.

Secondary (Precision):

  - Transcendece: Get ability haste.

  - Waterwalking:  Gain movement speed, AP & AD while in the river.

 Stat Shards:

+8 Ability Haste

+6 Armor

+15-140HP (lvls 1-18)

AP Zac Starting Items: 

Zac Jungle AP Starter

Mosstomper Seedling:

Grants bonus health and sustain, ensuring you stay healthy during your jungle clears and are less vulnerable to invades.

Health Potionn: 

Restores health.

Stealth Ward:

Vision is crucial in the jungle. This allows you to ward key areas or objectives.


Boots Options:

Zac AP Boot OPtions

Sorcerer's Shoes: 

   - Why: Provides magic penetration which enhances your damage output.

   - When to Buy: If the enemy team has little to no magic resist and you're looking to maximize your damage.

Plated Steelcaps: 

   - Why: Offers armor and reduces damage from basic attacks.

   - When to Buy: If the enemy team has heavy AD or auto-attack reliant champions.

Mercury's Treads: 

   - Why: Grants magic resist and tenacity.

   - When to Buy: If the enemy team has high AP or crowd control.

Mythic Item:

AP Zac Mythics Items

Hextech Rocketbelt: 

   - Why: Provides health, AP, and a dash that can be used offensively or defensively. The dash also deals damage.

   - When to Buy: If you need more mobility or gap-closing ability.


   - Why: Grants omnivamp, AP, and bonus damage the longer you're in combat.

   - When to Buy: If you're looking for sustained fights and need the healing.

Night Harvester: 

   - Why: Offers AP, health, and a passive that deals bonus damage to champions.

   - When to Buy: If you're looking to burst down enemies quickly.

AP Zac Final Build:

AP Zac Full Build


   - Why: Grants omnivamp, AP, and bonus damage the longer you're in combat.

   - When to Buy: If you're looking for sustained fights and need the healing.

Sorcerer's Shoes: 

   - Why: Provides magic penetration which enhances your damage output.

   - When to Buy: If the enemy team has little to no magic resist and you're looking to maximize your damage.

Demonic Embrace: 

   - Why: Provides AP, health, and a burn effect on abilities.

   - When to Buy: If you want to increase your damage over time in fights.

Zhonya's Hourglass: 

   - Why: Grants AP, armor, and a stasis effect.

   - When to Buy: If you're being focused in fights or need to avoid key enemy abilities.

Spirit Visage: 

   - Why: Enhances all sources of healing, provides health, and magic resist.

   - When to Buy: If you have other sources of healing on your team or if the enemy has high AP damage.

Rabadon's Deathcap: 

   - Why: Massively boosts your AP.

   - When to Buy: If you're looking to maximize your damage output.

AP Zac Ability Details & Skill Order:

AP Zac SKill Order

P (Cell Division): Zac's passive allows him to split into blobs when he dies, potentially reviving him.

Q (Stretching Strikes): Levels at 2, 14, 15, 17, 18.

W (Unstable Matter): Levels at 1, 8, 10, 12, 13.

E (Elastic Slingshot): Levels at 3, 4, 5, 7, 9.

R (Let's Bounce!): Levels at 6, 11, 16.

AP Zac General Playstyle:

Early Game:

 Focus on farming and look for gank opportunities with your E. Zac's ganks are strong due to his long-range engage.

Mid Game:

Engage in team fights and use your ultimate to disrupt the enemy backline.

Late Game:

Act as the primary engage for your team and peel for your carries.


- Use W to clear jungle camps quickly.

- Use E to traverse the jungle and reach camps faster.

AP Zac Teamfight:

- Engage with E and follow up with your ultimate to disrupt the enemy team.

- Use Q to crowd control key targets.

- Remember your passive can save you, so don't be afraid to engage.

AP Zac Objectives:

Dragon: Use E to engage or steal the dragon. Remember to smite.

Baron: Same as dragon, but be more cautious due to Baron's damage and the potential for enemy ambushes.

AP Zac Matchups:

 Toughest Matchups: Lillia, Bel'Veth, Trundle, Kindred, Jarvan IV, Fiddlesticks, Maokai, Rek'Sai, Taliyah, Udyr.

Additional Advice on how to play AP Zac:

- Always be aware of your passive's cooldown. It can save you in tight situations.

- Zac's E can be charged for a longer range, use this to your advantage for surprise ganks.

Thanks for sticking with the AP Zac Jungle guide – where we put the 'slam' in 'slime'!

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