League of Legends
· 5 min read

How to find the right League of Legends coach for you

League of Legends coaching an essential part to rank up (League coaching acquired by Gamesensei)

It's important to be specific when you're looking for a League of Legends coach because they offer various services that can benefit players in different ways. For example, some coaches will do gameplay reviews while others might provide live coaching during an actual game. In this article, we'll explain the different types of coaches so whether you're just starting or trying to improve your skills, read on for more information!

The 3 types of LoL coaching classes

1. Gameplay review

If you would like to receive feedback on your gameplay from a League of Legends coach, be aware that they will most likely request that you provide them with a recording of your gaming session. One way to easily do this is by using Gazoom' League of Legends recording tool, which has the ability to capture highlights or entire gaming sessions.

2.Play with a pro player

The second type of sessions are to play with a pro player. this is a great way to experience first-hand how they make judgment calls. On the otherside they will also be focused on playing and spending less time explaining macro plays or how you can improve certain movements/rotations. That is why we personally like the third option "Co-pilot" a bit more.

3.Co-pilot mode

Co-pilot mode is when the coach gives you live feedback while you are playing. He will also give you coaching advice. This happens while you stream your gameplay so he can coach you through Discord audio.

How to choose which coaching session type is right for you:

Before you choose a coach, reflect on what your goals are for the coaching experience. If you want tips on improving or macro moves you might have missed, gameplay review is a great starting point.

'Playing with a pro' coach can help improve your in-game decision-making by giving you first-hand experience of how they play. You may realize that pro's play an entirely different game than the average player, one focused on macro and micro decisions as opposed to general gameplay.

If you're seeking a League of Legends coach, you can find many on Proguides, Gamesensei just to name a few. If you want to read more on the best gaming coaching websites read here.  

If you want to find a League of Legends coach, the best place to start is on the League of Legends coaching SubReddit. You can also check social media sites like Twitter. Once you've found a few coaches that you're interested in, reach out and ask them about their services. Great coaches are happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Consume your potential coach's free League of Legends coaching content to see if there is a fit

It is essential that you feel at ease with your coach and confident in their ability to help you improve before making a commitment. A great way to get to know a potential coach is by looking at the free content they offer.

Before you invest in a League of Legends coach, determine whether or not they offer free coaching sessions. If so, take advantage of the opportunity to get to know their style before committing. You can also check out videos of past coaching sessions on the coach's website or social media accounts to get a sense of how helpful they are and what results their students have achieved.

After you have selected a coach, aim to schedule a session with them as most coaches provide hourly services. You can then pick how long you'd want the duration of the session to be. In addition, during your time with the coach, they will help guide you through areas of difficulty and offer suggestions on how to refine your skillset.

Coaching can help you improve your League of Legends skills. If you find a coach that you are comfortable with and who offers the services you are looking for, your game can improve a lot. What are you waiting for? Go find your coach!

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