CSGO - The ultimate jump throw binds in 2023

The best keyboard binds for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) for smokes will depend on your personal preference, but here's a common setup used by many players:

How to bind jumpthrows in CSGO via the console

On many maps in CSGO jumpthrows binds are highly recommend in order to consistently smoke certain areas. A jumpthrow can be quite difficult because you need to throw the smoke once you have reached the highest point of the jump otherwise the results may differ with every throw. These binds also allow you to jump throw with right click as well.

For this reason use the csgo jumpthrows binds that way you just need to select your smoke, hold your left mouse click and press the key that you binded.

Here is how you bind the jumpthrow to a key via the CSGO console:

  1. open console and type: bind KEY "+jump;-attack;-attack2;-jump"
  2. Replace KEY with the desired key, for example: bind mouse3 "+jump;-attack;-attack2;-jump"
  3. Test the bind in-game by holding down your left mouse click and then pressing the 'bound key' and then watch the smoke grenade trajectory.

Build your CSGO strategy with your mates, while playing with this CSGO Strategy maker tool!

Beat your enemies with this CSGO strategy maker tool, which provides you access to the most effective smokes for each map. No more guessing - we have all lineups of each CSGO map ready to go! You had an amazing idea in the car on how to do a 1 vs 2 on a certain map? No problem quickly build your strategy and share it with your friends with a simple link.

CSGO - mapping  planner

How to bind runthrows in CSGO

On many maps in CSGO runthrows are required to smoke certain areas. A jumpthrow can be quite difficult because you need to throw the smoke once you have reached the highest point of the jump otherwise the results may differ with every throw.

For this reason use the keybind that way you just need to select your smoke, hold your left mouse click and press the key that you binded.

  1. Bind a key for the runthrow: bind KEY "+forward;-attack;-attack2;-forward"
  1. Replace KEY with the desired key, for example: bind mouse3 "+forward;-attack;-attack2;-forward"
  1. Test the bind in-game by holding down the shift key (to run) and the 'bound key' and watching the smoke grenade trajectory.

How to bind runjumpthrows in CSGO

On many maps in CSGO runjumpthrows are required to smoke certain areas. A runjumpthrow can be quite difficult because you need run jump and throw the nade and then stop moving forward so that they enemy won't see you before the smoke pops.  

  1. Open the CSGO console and type: alias "+RJT" "-forward;+jump;-attack";alias "-RJT" "-forward;-jump";bind KEY "+RJT"
  2. Replace KEY with the desired key, for example: alias "+RJT" "-forward;+jump;-attack;-attack2";alias "-RJT" "-forward;-jump";bind mouse3 "+RJT"
  3. Test the bind in-game by running forward and holding the left mouse click till you want to do the runjumpthrow as soon as you want to do it click the 'bound key' and watch the smoke fly perfectly as well as you stopping automatically.

These CSGO throw binds are definitely the way to go to throw those game-winning smokes.

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