Comprehensive Ekko Jungle Guide
Welcome to the Ekko guide for the latest patch! Here, we'll teach you how to bend time, zap enemies, and always have the last laugh. Because who wouldn't want a rewind button for life's oops moments? Let's dive in!
Summoner Spells:
- Flash
- Scorchclaw Smite
Ekko Jungle Runes:
Primary: Inspiration
- First Strike
- Magical Footwear
- Future's Market
- Cosmic Insight
Secondary: Sorcery
- Transcendence
- Gathering Storm
Stat Shards:
- 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
- 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
- 15-140hp (lvls 1-18)
Starting Items:
- Scorch Claw
- Health Potion
- Stealth Ward
Ekko Jungle Recommended Full Build Items:
1. Nashor's Tooth
2. Hextech Rocketbelt
3. Rabadon's Deathcap
4. Void Staff
5. Shadowflame
6. Sorcerer's Shoes
7. Elixir of Sorcery
8. Oracle Lens
Ekko Jungle Ability Skill Order:
- Q (at level 1, max first)
- E (at level 2, max second)
- W (at level 3, max last)
- R (level up whenever available)
Ekko Jungle General Playstyle:
Ekko is an AP assassin who excels in burst damage and mobility. He can be played in the jungle or mid lane, but this guide focuses on the jungle role. Ekko's playstyle revolves around his ability to engage, burst down a target, and then disengage with his ultimate.
Ekko Jungle Farming:
In the jungle, start with your Q to clear camps quickly. Use your E to traverse the jungle and dodge monster attacks. Remember to use your W for its passive, which deals bonus damage to low health monsters, helping you clear faster.
Ekko Jungle Laning Phase:
In the early game, focus on farming your jungle and looking for ganks. Ekko's W provides a strong gank tool with its stun and shield. Use your Q and E to engage and deal damage.
Ekko Jungle Mid Game:
In the mid game, look for picks and objectives. Ekko's mobility and burst damage make him excellent at catching out isolated enemies. Use your W to zone enemies away from objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald.
Ekko Jungle Late Game:
In the late game, focus on team fights and major objectives. Use your W to initiate fights or zone enemies, and your R to escape or deal massive AOE damage. Remember, Ekko is an assassin, so look to burst down the enemy backline.
Team Fights:
In team fights, look to flank the enemy and reach their backline. Use your W to zone enemies or provide a stun, and your R to escape or clean up fights. Remember to use your Q and E to deal damage and stick to targets.
Dragon/Baron Objective:
For Dragon and Baron, use your W to zone enemies or secure the objective with its stun. Remember to use your Q and E for damage and your R for safety.
Ekko struggles against champions with crowd control and anti-melee abilities. For example, Poppy is a difficult matchup due to her strong early game, anti-melee W, and crowd control abilities.
Remember, mastering Ekko is all about timing, precision, and a dash of daring. So go out there, bend some time, and make every second count. Time is up for our Ekko guide for the latest patch, start to rewind!