The Ultimate Blitzcrank Jungle Guide (Latest Patch) - Grab Your Way to Victory and Electrify the Leaderboards!
With this electrifying Blitzcrank jungle guide (latest patch, 13.16), you'll be pulling in wins and shocking your opponents!
Blitzcrank Jungle Runes:
Primary (Precision):
Lethal Tempo: Helps with attack speed, beneficial for faster jungle clears.
Triumph: Provides sustain in the jungle and during skirmishes.
Legend: Alacrity: Further boosts attack speed.
Last Stand: Increases damage as Blitzcrank's health gets lower, useful for close fights.
Secondary (Sorcery):
Celerity: Boosts movement speed, aiding in ganks and rotations.
Waterwalking: Enhances river control, crucial for securing objectives like Dragon and Herald.
Stat Shards:
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-140 HP (lvls 1-18)
Blitzcrank Jungle - Summoner Spells:
Flash: Essential for positioning, escaping, or engaging.
Smite: Mandatory for jungling, helps with clear and securing objectives.
Blitzcrank Jungle - Items:
Starting Items:
Gustwalker Hatchling, Mosstomper Seedling, Health Potion, Stealth Ward, Oracle Lens.
Blitzcrank Jungle - Full Build:
Beserker's Greaves, Blade of the Ruined King, Wit's End, Radiant Virtue, Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil
Blitzcrank Jungle - Ability Skill Order:
Q (Rocket Grab): Blitzcrank's signature ability. Useful for ganks and picks.
W (Overdrive): Provides a burst of speed and attack speed. Essential for jungle clear and chasing.
E (Power Fist): An auto-attack reset that knocks up the target. Great for ganks and peeling.
R (Static Field): AOE silence and passive damage. Useful in teamfights.
Blitzcrank Jungle - General Playstyle:
Early Game:
Focus on farming and look for gank opportunities with your Q. Your early game isn't the strongest, so be wary of invades.
Mid Game:
Look for picks with your Q and try to secure objectives. Your scaling starts to kick in.
Late Game:
Play around your team. A single good hook can change the outcome of a game.
Use W for the attack speed boost when clearing camps.
Use E as an auto-attack reset for faster clears.
Be mindful of your mana, especially if you're using Q often.
Teamfights as Blitzcrank Jungle:
Look for key targets to hook.
Use R to silence high-impact abilities.
Peel for your carries with E.
Dragon and Baron fights as Blitzcrank Jungle:
Use Smite to secure Dragons and Barons.
Look for picks before starting an objective.
Use Oracle Lens to clear vision.
Blitzcrank Jungle - Matchups:
Threats: The guide mentions some extreme threats but doesn't specify which champions. Typically, early-game aggressive junglers can pose a threat to Blitzcrank.
Synergies: Orianna is mentioned as an ideal synergy due to her damage, utility, and the combination of her ball with Blitzcrank's grab.
Blitzcrank jungle - Strengths:
Confuses enemies due to the unconventional pick.
Strong scaling into the mid and late game.
Game-changing potential with Rocket Grab.
Blitzcrank jungle - Weaknesses:
Self-slow from Overdrive can be problematic.
Not a strong early-game champion.
Risk of being flamed by teammates for the unconventional pick.
Enjoy this ultimate Blitzcrank Jungle guide (latest patch, 13.16).