Atomic Ziggs Support Guide (latest patch) - Dropping bombs like Oppenheimer!
Welcome to our atomic Ziggs Support Guide, where we're dropping bombs in bot lane Oppenheimer style!"
Ziggs Support Summoner Spells:
1. Flash: Essential for positioning, escaping, or engaging.
1. Exhaust: Slows down enemies and reduces their damage output, making it easier for your ADC to secure kills.
3. Ignite: Useful if you're confident in the lane matchup and see kill potential. It's also effective against healing supports like Yuumi or Nami.
Ziggs Support Runes:
Primary (Sorcery):
- Arcane Comet: Increases poke damage.
- Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain.
- Transcendence: CDR for abilities.
- Scorch: Additional poke damage.
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Magical Footwear: Free boots.
- Biscuit Delivery: Sustain in lane.
Stat Shards: (Not provided in the sheet)
+8 ability haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-140 HP (lvls 1-18)
Ziggs Support Starting Items:
Spellthief's Edge, 2x Health Potions, Stealth Ward
Zigggs Full Build (Oppenheimer style):
1. Spellthief's Edge
2. Sorcerer's Shoes
3. Night Harvester
4. Horizon Focus
5. Morellonomicon
6. Watchful Wardstone
Ziggs Support Abilities & Skill Order:
Passive - Short Fuse: Ziggs' basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. This effect has a cooldown.
Q - Bouncing Bomb: Ziggs throws a bomb that bounces and explodes, dealing damage.
W - Satchel Charge: Ziggs flings an explosive charge that can be detonated to knock away enemies and destroy terrain.
E - Hexplosive Minefield: Ziggs scatters mines that explode on contact, slowing and damaging enemies.
R - Mega Inferno Bomb: Ziggs deploys his ultimate bomb, dealing massive area damage.
Ziggs Support Farming:
As a Ziggs support, you won't be focusing on farming. However, you can use your abilities to help your ADC secure farm under turret.
Ziggs Support during the Laning Phase:
Focus on poking the enemy with your Q and auto-attacks. Use W for disengage or to set up plays. E can be used to zone enemies or slow them for ganks.
Ziggs Support in the Mid Game:
Look for opportunities to use your ultimate in skirmishes. Use your abilities to wave clear and defend or siege turrets.
Ziggs Support Late Game:
Stay in the backline during teamfights, using your abilities to deal damage from a distance. Your ultimate can turn the tide of a fight, so use it wisely.
Ziggs Support during Teamfighting:
Positioning: Stay in the back and use your range to your advantage. Avoid getting caught by enemy engage tools.
Target Selection: Focus on hitting as many enemies as possible with your AOE abilities. Prioritize squishy targets with your Q and R.
Ziggs Support around Objectives:
Dragon/Baron: Use your abilities to zone the enemy team away from the objective. Your ultimate can be used to steal objectives or deal massive damage to clustered enemies.
Ziggs Support Matchups:
Threats: Yasuo is an extreme threat due to his high mobility and Wind Wall, which can block Ziggs' abilities. Play cautiously and use your Satchel Charge defensively.
Additional Advice:
Warding: Regularly ward the river and tri-bush to avoid ganks. Use Control Wards to secure vision around objectives.
Roaming: If your ADC is safe, consider roaming mid or helping your jungler to secure objectives or get vision.
Thanks for sticking around with the Ziggs Support Guide - take cover in the bunker and drop your bombs!